Maps copy paste or real life based?

first of all with the words “copy paste maps” im talking about maps like in hell let loose which all of them are an exact copy from the real life maps like this:

and in real life based maps is different they are based on real life but not completly accurate to the original locations , like some maps in enlisted but lets focus in the topic

you think that enlisted maps are like the hell let loose ones? any example you can share it here ; )

and you preffer maps like hell let loose or is just better make a in real life based map?

im my personal i think that real based maps are just better ngl ; )

i´ll waiting for your conclusions below : )

Both are based on real life areas, so yeah?

Maps in hell let loose are just empty fields with a walls of shrubs every 200 m.

Current maps are good :+1:


the size of maps must have a good relation to the amount of players in a game. HLL fails hard at filling up the map, leading to boring and unrealistic battle scenarios (contrary to what HLL stans like to claim).

making enlisted maps larger with 10v10 would instantly ruin the game. what would work is implementing 15v15 for certain maps. eg Kursk would be perfect to give player 3 plane slots, 5 tank slots and 8 infantry slots to recreate the battle of kursk on a bigger map.


Enlisted maps are based on historical maps and pictures.
DF did a very good job at recreating Stalingrad, you can recognise many locations from Red Orchestra 2 that also had an emphasis on real battlefields being recreated in game.

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Enlisted maps are based on real locations but aren’t 1:1 coppy. They are scaled down with much more cover and often reused assets, but landmarks are quite accurate. Overall a good compromise on reality and gameplay.

Though personally I’d like to have larger maps, objectives and teams. Also I’d like the maps to be less cluttered and more vehicle friendly. Currently there is not enough focus on combined arms in the game.

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From what I gather (correct me if I’m wrong):

Normandy, Bulge, Tunisia and Moscow are inspired by real locations, but are mostly fictional

Stalingrad, STZ, Berlin and Rhzev are depictions of real locations

And I never played Pacific, so I don’t know how authentic those maps are

No, they are low-effort maps with a few important landmarks to make the player think they are based on an actual map. HLL makes better maps but suffers from walking simulator conditions (they don’t move their main spawn up, making sprinting slower than normal, etc).

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one vehicle for one squad of infantry, no minimum two to one that is if you want 8 vehicles you would need 16 infantry squads





There is still too much shrubbery and random clutter on Enlisted maps in many cases. More annoyingly given the departure from Campaigns, having the wrong BR vehicle wrecks on maps is immersion breaking aside from what can actually be fielded in accordance with the re-jigged BR trees.
Irrespective of which, these continue to irrationally mix up weapons & vehicles from their historically chronological introduction into service periods based on someone’s gut feel gaming opinion as to where they fit, and drop it into the current map range.

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you cant copy past the exact terrain for games.
take el alamein for eg.
its was total open terrain in real life
matchs would turn to snipingfast

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filling up the map is the BIGGEST problem of enlisted not a good thing.
you cannot flank, encircle or do big brain moves.
this is exactly why tanks just spawncam all the time.
you cannot do anything meaningfull with small tanks in current maps.
vehicle engagements are nothing but ping pong match
and attackers planes are killing dozens of infantry easily.
unsurprisingly, people who claim hll is walksim are the same monkeys who never build any garry or op for 1.5 hour :rofl:


Not necessarily. In the southern sector, there are many ridges and other rocky terrain that can provide good cover.


giphy (6)

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At least better than this dogshit which you sniff with your friends :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Why you hate this game so much?
I even see you in ALL grief video of hll leaving comment, lol
Just why?

It is about the way Developers of both games (Enlisted and crap let loose) earn money.

Enlisted is based on microtransactions.

Crap let loose is based on monetisation on social media (YT), blatant lies and other dirty ways to make money.

Example of gameplay:

Some retard is hiding in the bushes for the whole game and he tries to prove - “such a good game, Im such a good player, download now and join battle”.

It is not that I hate this game, but rather - I find it harmful for society.

Because - most who play this crap are only poor souls who will unistall it sooner or later… but there are 1 % of players (like the one in video above) who earn money by advertising it as a “best WW 2 shooter”.

(they need to do it, because there are no bots there, he needs real players to kill)

I feel no pity for idiots who take the bait. But I will never do the same.

? Like they earn on YT videos? This doesn’t make sense.

I guess you mean that they use YT videos to make ppl buy their game, yes? That’s quite standard practice though, everybody does it.