Perhaps delete those glitched walls?

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No changes can be made on the endist, but the problem is not the walls, I can cover this area with something else if I want, the problem is that the game crashes when players enter this area.

Since not every player knows this room, I put op items and the players who know the map loved it.

After the update, when the players enter this area, the game crashes and I noticed something else: zombies are moving very strangely with the new update. This is not only something that happens in the mod I made, it is the same in other mods. I think it may be something to do with the animations. I don’t know

Yes i also noticed it. They have changed how the running animation works i believe so it f-ed up sth. But it didn’t throw fatal errors or even crash i also believe

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I updated the mod again because of the players who built AT weapons and broke the game
(navmesh goes crazy and the server is overloaded, I don’t know exactly why, but tanks, cars and AT guns cause lagg).

Changes İ made with the new update:

  • Custom profiles added
  • Hidden room covered
  • hidden super weapons are added at different points of the map
  • NavMesh updated
  • Minor changes have been made to the map
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I need help with this gun I made

When I ran the code for this weapon with scene.blk, it was working smoothly before the new update, but with the new update it does not work in multiplayer mode (the game crashes a few seconds after you start using the weapon).

That’s why I wanted to run the code of this weapon with entities.blk, but I couldn’t succeed. I struggled a bit. The player can pick up the weapon from the ground, but I cannot resupply it like other zombie weapons.






  useful_box__hintFull:t="RAY GUN MK96"
  gun__locName:t="RAY GUN MK96"
  item__name:t="RAY GUN MK96"



      item__name:t="RAY GUN MK96"
      item__userstats__pickupName:t="RAY GUN MK96"
      gun__locName:t="RAY GUN MK96"


  item__name:t="RAY GUN MK96"



Here are some codes related to this weapon, maybe they will be useful


  item__name:t="RAY GUN MK96"

code that worked fine before the update:

  transform:m=[[0.00610973, 0.999981, 0.00130548] [0.977906, -0.00624765, 0.208952] [0.208956, -2.91038e-09, -0.977925] [52.265, 5.13135, 779.557]]
  useful_box__hintFull:t="RAY GUN MK96"
  item__name:t="RAY GUN MK96"
  gun__locName:t="RAY GUN MK96"

      item__name:t="RAY GUN MK96"
      item__userstats__pickupName:t="RAY GUN MK96"
      gun__locName:t="RAY GUN MK96"

It should work like a zombie gun that can be purchased from the wall, but I couldn’t do it properly, I need help.

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Let me see

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erm infinite_magazine. It is used for the 100000 ammo for the unknown war guns. I suggest you create a new ammo type, because its not good to work with that one

I copied this one to one of my test environment (which is a copy of my working map) to test
And it threw this error:

Which means you simply messed up one of the _use template thing. (LOL, you told the game to create entity referring to itself)

Found it. It is the third line of the item entity

Let me try to fix it with my limited knowledge of creating new gun entities (by limited, I mean i created like over 100 guns in one map):


OMG ITS WORKING. AND its very amazing weapon as well. @KRIEGSVERBRECHER I would like to ask if i can learn from your code to make my own version of these weapons?? I would credit your name on my codes if i have used any of them.

I know its not serious (or fixable), but the animation seems to be weird in the second phase of the reload (like the hand is holding invisible thing)


Thank you for your help. You can use the code of this weapon in your own mods as you wish. I have tested many weapons like this. When I finish it, I can share them with you if you want. Could you please share the edited code of this weapon?

My discord account’s username: xx_1x. You can reach me here. Code sharing is much faster. I am planning to share a source map containing various items for modders soon.

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I editted one line in the gun_item entity, which contains the loop of _use.


Line 3 was changed as follows (\ is the original code and the one below is new one)

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This worked very well. I have made many weapons like this, I will make a few more weapons like the pap guns in Call of Duty Zombies, I will share them soon.

Thanks man

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I released the new update and with this update I added some weapons inspired by the cod waw and bo2.

The Afterburner:


The F1W Nitrogen Cooled:


Snail’s Ray Gun mk96:


Dystopic Demolisher:


The C-3000 b1at-ch35:

I didn’t need to take a photo for this gun. It’s the same as the Mustang and Sally in the cod bo1 game, only we have one gun instead of 2.

I have a few more weapons to add like these, I’m working on them, I’ll share the codes soon.

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How can we increase the inventory limit or is there a way to remove this limit? I can’t collect magazines for weapons or buy a health kit.

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Yep thats the problem i am facing too and i have no idea how to fix it. Perhaps it is do-able using entities.blk to edit enlisted_visible_base_soldier (the name might be wrong but it is what i get my killable players to work)

Btw i still cant track down how i can remove hitbox from the aa and at guns. So it still annihilate servers when anyone builds one/i place one on the map. And it does not matter if the gun is in the way of the zombies or not too. It overloads as long as there is a gun and a zombie.

That might be the reason why your zombie bunker raid crash so much.

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I solved the crash problem in new versions by moving all special weapons to entities.blk and disabling anti-aircraft and anti-tank weapons. Unfortunately, such weapons put a lot of load on the server.

To whom it may concern:

I enjoy playing your map but there is one thing I’ve noticed. Sometimes when I join someone’s lobby, I join the allies team (Which appears to have all four armies on the scoreboard) except the soldier I end up joining as is the German soldier with the name “Good luck”. ‘Good luck’, as you know, is just an ordinary soldier without health boost or speed boost, but I found it very enjoying to play as him as this creates its own fun challenge. Is there any way I can reproduce this when I host the server?

To add, I would like to know what is the reason that this mod only works in Europe and Eastern Europe servers. I live nearest to North American servers, and my game runs mostly fine when I start a lobby. (I am also unable to create the game when I select Europe or Eastern Europe)

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

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This mistake happened because I wrote the “good luck” text in the wrong place. The original name of the German soldier is Hans. And now the German soldier is as good as the American soldier and has Belgian-made Browning Hi Power in his hand.
This bug has been fixed in the new version (version 134). You can download it from this link:

Actually, this is a game error. It is not possible to spawn as team 2 (Germans), but somehow the Germans become team 1, I haven’t figured out how this happens yet.

Custom lobbies may sometimes not work on these servers, this is an error that has existed a long time ago.

I’m glad you liked this mod. If you have any other suggestions for this mod (an item or weapon you want to be added), you can write at any time.

Now that I look at it, sometimes this error can occur when you change servers while setting up a lobby.

Thank you for such a quick response.

Could you keep a copy of the old version on the sandbox? I quite like the bug (Team 1 ‘Good luck’).

I would also like to know more about why you prefer us to start the game on Europe/Eastern Europe server.

Thank you so much.

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I will keep a copy of the old versions in the sandbox, i will upload them soon
Thank you for this suggestion, I was thinking of doing this

The reason why I recommend these servers is that this mod works more stable(for now) on the servers I recommend.

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