[Map] Venice - Concept

So i made a concept map. Again. This time i wanted to create something like Venice:


Narrow streets, CQC combat, maybe some boat combat.

Let’s see if we have something that can be used as the “edge” of the “islands”.

Yes we do:

normandy_promenade assets will be almost perfect! It has straight, and curvy versions.

3-4 hours later the result is this:

It is not much but it cannot really be expanded cough cough 3072 kb limit cough cough

To avoid spending unreasonable time on this, i built this to be modular, the circular “island” and the other rectangular “islands” can be easily duplicated to expand the map.

Again map size limitations.

Already at 4mb, so unfortunetly another map idea, that goes to waste.
Only suitable for everyone’s favourite gamemode: gun games…


What about AI? Well let’s set up a rather unbalanced batttle

Where team2 will spawn in the church and team1 will spawn on the nothern “island”

Aaand as expected:

I did try building navmesh but of course it’s broken:


(scene has ~12000 rendinsts, navmesh size should be 60-130mb)

The scene.blks:

VeniceTest.rar (953,9 kB)

Please don’t steal this and upload it to the portal, thank you.



in one of my many unreleased test, i did something similar, ( although, credit due, not so fancy like yours )

one thing that i noticed and it’s a major problem in maps like these, is the lack of cover.
no matter what you do, players and bots will basically use buildings and long corridors to exploit it where majority of the maps are flat. :frowning:

cool nevertheless :+1:

very beuatiful! perhaps a conquest map? the lack of cover may make sense if both armies are rushing to grab whatever land they can get immediately? surely i would love to see something done with this. i would love to put my italian squads to mine the beautiful shores and watch the fun

shore = bridges, sorry for typo

… reminds me of netherlands map.

maybe “Drekkplatts” from Company of heroes game.

  1. It’s not really good to create level so high, because you lose correct shadows in a distance
  2. Move “box_battle_area” entity before “level” entity in .blk file for navmesh generation to work
  3. Great map @__@


Thanks for reporting. Auto-sorting of entities was broken for box_battle_area and only worked for polygonal battle areas.


Do you want to consider removing the file size limit? At present, mod files larger than 3072KB cannot be downloaded in the client

Yes, it’s planned.


Great to hear. Thank you for the continued support for this tiny modding community!


Alright I slightly improved the map:

Ai works okay-ish, and now shadows work better due to lower altitude


Great views! :wink: