[Map] Battle in the Urals

New year, new map, this time i wanted to make something winter themed, a map situated on a high altitude mountain road. Mainly because it is a Germany VS USSR battle, i called it:

Battle in the Ural Mountains

Map layout is very simple; It’s a linear battle with either 1 or 3 capzones (Even number of capzones breaks the score calculation) The road is about 400m long so nothing overly huge.

The village, the center part of the map where the battle should be happening

Woodcutters Lodge

Village Chapel capture zone


Battle areas are very simple

However, in the end i have encountered the same problem as with my other maps: oversized navmesh generation.

I have tried to avoid cliffs, removed trees, but i just couldn’t go below 80mb. I have tried to replace the terrain patches with actual elevated terrain but i got the same result.

Elevated terrain also causes bugged shadows:

And causes soldiers to hop constantly:
Enlisted Terraformed terrain bug - YouTube

Also the “Navmesh” option (And all the other ones as well) do nothing, preventing me from potential debugging:

Also tried messing around with these settings but i don’t think it affects navmesh generation:


Possible solution: Allowing the editing of the navmesh graph on a node level, deleting parts of the graph to suit the map better.

Map download:
scene.blk.txt (341,9 kB)
You have to generate the navmesh yourself.
Don’t upload it to the sandbox portal


Try make copy scene.blk. In original file you need remove all RI objects and terraforming and then make common objects (platform?) or terrain patches there were navmesh. Rebuild navmesh. Should help. At least it helped kucho01 to make him mountain map.
I mean something like it:

There were mountains. But yeah. It’s not final work. Iirc he also cleaned background and removed other details (houses and some decorations). As result he success decreased navmesh size from 50-70mb to normal size that game can accept.

Here problem with settings. Some of them don’t show NavMesh. Developers knows about this issue.
Not sure how it calls in english (smoothing or antialiasing), but it should be seleted to right side. Because left setting is broken a bit in editor.


I did. I used cliff_house_a as a surface but size didn’t decrease.

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cliff_house_big_a? cliff_house_small_a? or cliff_house_decor_bridge_wood_a?

I’m not sure that this object enough smooth.
I mean without hills and rocks and at same time like road?
You need only use platform like that kucho01 used. It’s normandy_promenade_a.
I’ll soon try do something, but not sure that can.

It shouldn’t matter what RI i use. It’s about surface area.

Navmesh is only generated on RI, or terraformed terrain. If you build your map on already existing terrain navmesh won’t get generated there.

I also don’t want my soldiers to use only the promenade to traverse the battlefield.

Some RI are a bit more detailed then other. Of course it should matter. Like these rocks:

I think that NavMesh shouldn’t build in gray zone. Currently time it does:

I’ll soon sent files to discord. Yeah I did it. NavMesh patch file now have size around 3,3 mb.
Just remove rocks and rebuild NavMesh. When build vrom it will have less size.

But you still need do some work to make NavMesh a bit better and avoid these situations:

Just put some walls or other obstacles.

What? How? WHY DOES IT WORK FOR YOU??? :rage:

I figured it though:

I created a seperate map just for navmesh generation


AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution 1.0 should be turned off.

Other settings cause disappear some editor visual things that can be turned on by Toolbox (NavMesh, respawn points and e.t.c.). If you know other settings that cause similar problems please let me know or report it here.

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Cannot wait to try it out! Seems to be really really unique! I am excited to see it ingame :wink:

Update 1: I’ve added additional verticality to the map, along with a second capture zone:

You can reach the Radar station on catwalks

Aforementioned 2nd capzone

The mountain is also fully modeled which will allow the use of aircraft.


When will you release the mod? I really want to try :wink:

Tomorrow. I spent 2 hours to get AI working:


Link to newest version (still WIP):
scene.txt (430,8 kB)
patch_nav_mesh.bin.txt (5,1 MB)

Also this:


Try use poly version of battle area?

Of course i tried.
It seems battle areas don’t like concave shapes

Well… Problem in poly type that you can’t use another battle area for one team. And iirc only one poly battle area can be set for one team.

Major update 1.3:

The map has received several new addtions.

Revamped cliff placement; Now you can admire the view much better, on the way to the capture zones.



Added catwalk to the side of the mountain; It’s an alternate route towards the enemy safe from the intense street fight above.
AI cannot use this.

Added Radar Maintanance buildings to the Radar station. It’s puropse is to prevent “Bridge” camping; Now it should be easier to take out snipers as the attacking player.

Added Depot capture zone inside the cave;
Until now, the cave had one purpose: to allow an alternate route to the lower level. Now this additional capzone should make the cave a more interesting place.

  • Added mountain scenery to the distance.