Making Enlisted Competitive for Everyone

Battle Rating 1 vs 1, 2 vs 2, 3 vs 3, etc. should be the norm if there are enough players. Why is it that I am always jumping into squad battles BR I-V? Is there a way to change where I go? I have only been playing a month or so, but Enlisted has its hooks in deep! :laughing:.


BR 3 equipment can throw you anywhere from 1-2 battles to 4-5 battles.


1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 would be ideal but i think 1-2, 3-4 and 5 would be more realistic in current situation


The screen says ā€œBR I-Vā€ but it should say ā€œI-III or III-Vā€.
Coz you will find yourself in a BR I-III battle or a III-V.

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It would be amazing but sadly DF insists that we donā€™t have enough players


Iā€™d rather [1-2], [2-3], [3-4], [4-5]

On top of that give people in up-tiered games +10% xp/silver rewards and -10% if down-tiered.

Also give the ā€œplay any teamā€ button +15% xp/silver to encourage its use

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If we take into account the distribution of newcomers, monkeys and old people
I seem to be able to understand it
The population of a single camp may not be enough

But Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s hard to retain new people in the current environment.
Because they donā€™t have high competitiveness

At the most ridiculous moment, I can even see 9 newbies or monkeys using handles fighting 6 warriors with normal ideas and level 3 equipment.
They couldnā€™t even capture the first stronghold

Personally, Iā€™m ok with what we have now.

Of course I die more and kill less than I should, but thatā€™s just part of the fun.

The only thing I wish to change is when equipment is unlocked. I would prefer to see things unlocked in a bit more of a historical progression (why do you unlock the Kriegsmodell unlock before the pre-war Karabiner, which unlocks at approximately the same time as the VG.2?). For example: Tier 1=1939/41 Tier 2=1942, Tier 3=1943, Tier 4=1944, Tier 5=1945.

We donā€™t have enough player, we have less player than before the merge

Really? I have not seen one single bot match since the merge.

Too small bonus. Make it atleast +50%


would be nice but damage is regulated in that game by Caliber of weapons and Mag size then some end Tier Guns would be complete useless even moreā€¦

Easier way is BRĀ±0 or BRĀ±1


I prefer BRĀ±0

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And if the game continues to lose its competitiveness, the number of players will steadily continue to decline. Fortunately, I have had a few competitive matches today, so I am hopeful that maybe that is a trend that will continue. But I would rather see them break it down into 1-2, probably 3-4 and then 5 by itself if possible.

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we did have enough cos the br tiers make it a stomp game no one will bother playing if you are facing any nation armed to the teeth with the best kit money can buy they just Leave desert the Chinese do this all the time 232 kills on had ,he was on german v us the Americans just left the game thatā€™s why the BR isnā€™t working and they hog tanks aircraft and tanks - if I see there on my team you know they donā€™t give a fuvk about any other players they donā€™t build rallies they go in and flatten the enemy by them selves the rally points are 300 behind so they fly off to capture it all the bases - v br 1-2 players