These two suggestions should be fairly simple to implement and could add a lot of value for the effort. Building sandbags on sandbags. And the ability to adjust the vertical gun angle of player built HMG / engineer built MG, or in other words the x-axis elevation angle. Pictures below.
1st Suggestion:
Sandbag building on-top of other sandbags.
I have been able to stack sandbags two high on multiple occasions, but it seems to be a bug rather than a feature. Conditions need to be perfect IE perfectly flat ground and only on certain maps. Both the above and below pictures are possible under ideal circumstances. Due to the fact you can already do it occasionally I think it would be easy to configure.
Sandbag building on-top of two sandbags.
The goal is the ability to construct things like this.
The ability to build sandbags two high, one on-top of the other has many uses. You can close off sniper fire from a particular direction. Make a porthole you can shoot out of while protecting you from random grenades thrown behind your sandbags. Allows a machine gun nest by enclosing line of sight to where you’re targeting. Allows assaulters an element of surprise by shooting in-between sandbags and sustaining close range defensive fire. Protect an approach for a vulnerable rally point. Could even wall off an entrance so they’d have to blow the sandbags up before coming in. Probably even more uses than these.
Being able to make a proper machine gun nest would be wicked!
2nd Suggestion:
Ability to modify the vertical gun angle of a player created HMG / engineer built MG. Just like you can press R to rotate the direction the gun gets built, you could press another key to adjust the vertical angle of the gun. For simplicity limiting it to two or three angles would be ideal — cycling between 0°, -30°,+30°.
Angled down.
Angled up.
This would make these guns substantially more versatile as you’d be able to set them up in elevated positions IE 2nd and 3rd story windows. It would make it friendlier to use in player built trenches, and lower the guesswork when building it on hills etc. Machine guns were always used to protect the high ground and buildings, but at the moment they are still hamstrung with how low they can aim.
Since these are already in the game it is a shame to not use them to their full potential. HMGs can’t be fully utilized without the ability to adjust the guns’ elevation angle. The increased aim angles released some months ago were fantastic. This just takes that to another level and adds significantly to the versatility of these weapons. Being able to adjust about 30° vertically is about right.
Overall these seem like easier things to implement that add a lot of value. Thank you for reading my post and if you have anything to comment feel free!