Making Enlisted a Better Place №8

Overall I would say that this is the rule of thumb when it comes to how powerful a round would be.

Then again bullet velocity does not always make a round “deadlier”, since things like “over-penetration” exist, however hard to argue in favor of Pistols, since we are talking about 9mm rounds, which dont do “over-penetration” what so ever.

So yea, dont see a “logical” excuse to make pistols more powerful per shot than SMGs.

Hmm, I don’t really agree with that change to pistols. They were a bit crappy, yes, but that’s the point. They are secondary weapons for a reason. I don’t like how this makes the game less realistic without any good reason. The only reason I could think of, why pistols might need a buff, is that their performance doesn’t justify the high cost in silver. But if that was the reasoning, then the obvious solution woulde have been to just lower the cost.


Hi, this makes no sense, bolt action rifles and semi auto rifles also have the same ammo, and fire the same bullet at the same speed but there is a damage difference between them.

Got that on PS5… Quick Newstart Of the Game could help you.
After the Kick i cant join again too, but after Restart the whole Game it works.

Im no expert or weapon mech in sniper weapons but i was an des marksman in the military way long back and remember this being said as Fox mentioned. But an carbine also have more moving parts then an bolt which also affects the shooting slightly…This ive also noticed remembering shooting an 7.62 MG (KSP58) asw as AK4 at long range to then be shooting an Mauser at the range…

An sniper wrote this about the subject and hope it explains some details for you…
"With a semi-automatic rifle, some of the energy from the gases of firing the round is used to operate the bolt, eject the spent casing. As a result, this can lead to variations in gas pressure inside the barrel which affects accuracy. Even a 1% drop in muzzle velocity can have a drastic impact on accuracy when you’re stretching out shots past 1000 yards.

A bolt action rifle has none of those issues. Since the bolt is locked in place and has to be manually operated, there’s no gas system. All of the energy from the powder is used to propel the round. This means you have something a semi-auto can’t - repeatability.
Also, as a result of the fixed bolt system, the receiver and chamber are more rigid, so it doesn’t deflect under shooting. This adds more consistency as well

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Fair point, and of course semi autos have more moving parts and tend to flex more while shooting. Also early semi autos had tilting bolts not rotating ones which made lockup consistency… inconsistent. Now while i agree with an accuracy difference between ba and sa because sa had more moving parts and the bolt carrier hitting the rear of the receiver which adds to recoil, i was only saying that 2 identical bullets moving at the same speed will have the same energy delivered on impact. Thus 2 rounds of 7.62 or 8mm Mauser will have the same energy and trajectory if they leave the barrel at the same speed even from different platforms.

The only reason I can imagine is a balance factor. If bolt actions did the same damage as semi autos there would be even less reason to use them. But you are right, a MG, SA and BA should all do the same damage. Gas lost from SAs is very small in relation to any velocity achieved

I would use accuracy and recoil as a balancing factor. In this way if you want to snipe long range with your sniper squad you use a BA for accuracy and lower recoil and if you want a marksman in your assault squad, you use SA that’s less accurate and kicks more when you fire, but gets the job done better at closer ranges than a BA which has a lower rate of fire. So there would be a reason to use a BA for certain situations and a SA for other situations where BAs are not up to par.

Also, to further develop your ideea, not all SAs and MGs had a ported barrel for a gas system. The Gewehr 41 was gas operated but had a gas trap at the muzzle, so no port in the barrel. Also the MG42 was recoil operated so again, no port. Anyway… i’m digressing.

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sadly long range is not that useful in game tho. sa’s would be used more bcause rof is better in cqc

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They have strange definitions of balance factors… with the bizzare and unrealistic semi rof nerf, semis are now sidegrades to bolties. But the meta never was semis even before the nerf, it was (still is) assaulters squad (and perhaps also lmgs) spamming…

But that remains ok somehow :thinking:

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American revolver are good.(colt NS) Other yes - shit.

ofc since BAs are most effective for long range support, SAs for mid range and Assault/smg for close which makes sense :wink: People tend to forget the mid range supporters which are basically close but still not. But since smgs can be so accurate with their quick spray “hitpicture” while turnfighting idk if its that valid after all but they are still rly effective in a way

But midrange to me with SAs are 50-100m while mid range effectiveness for smgs are 25-50
How ever since in games the distancing looks further then irl because of the scaling i would say its slight lower number ^^

I think the items are not expensive enough… buy weapons with sylver tickets to resell them for bronze tickets… Awesome or does not smell like carrots… you should charge for magazines and bullets to shoot for earn more money and make it profitable… see how to make premium ammunition and musket balls, 50 dollars per grenade, 100 dollars per thought kit, 1 dollars the right to run… You had to start with a change in character tickets, then the weapons… The battle pass compensated little, then the premium of the troop slots at 9.90 dollars for 2 slots / month… seriously 10 dollars the bullet to shoot, 100 dollars the magazines, 1000 dollars the shells and rockets pack, bomb… Isn’t what you want to do? 50 dollar tanks are for the poor, the fox is smart, so smart that he thinks that the cross out path is the best economic strategy for his company with billions of connected players who spend all their salaries on the platforms … Well I confess to you, I finish the battlepass and the story will end there between us … I don’t have millions of dollars to give you for you to choke on … Then I see a community that does not want to react for fear of sanction, she does not even react for the glitch present in game, such as hiding in a chimney to become invincible, going under a bunker to avoid capturing a flag … Not what is important to your eyes is the commercial strategy whose profit yield is greater than 800% of the general costs of driving a Tesla with a generator in the trunk.

so clever that he thinks that the cross out path is the best economic strategy for his company with billions of connected players who spend all their salaries on the platforms … Well I admit, I finish the battlepass and the story goes stop there between us… I don’t have millions of dollars to give you for you to choke on… Then I see a community that does not want to react for fear of sanction, it does not even react for the glitch present in play, such as hiding in a chimney to become invincible, going under a bunker to avoid capturing a flag. No, what is important to you is the commercial strategy whose profit return is greater than 800% of the overhead costs to drive a Tesla with a generator in the trunk…