Making Enlisted a Better Place №57

Well if the average Joe can’t tell A13 from Sherman, why not start Normandy and Ardennes at least from BR 2 or 3?

To not piss off who can see the difference

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Probably because Normandy and the Ardennes are the most popular locations for WWII games and movies, and thus are the most recognizable to the general public.

There is a reason most new players started with the Normandy campaign, and it’s because for the USA the war in Europe started there.

Oh look a random forest
Must be Ardennes.


The war in Europe for the US DID NOT start in Normandy.

I find it hard to believe that there are a lot of my fellow Americans who don’t have WW2 stories being told in their families. My Grandpa arrived in Anzio immediately after the landing(36 ID, Texas Division) (he didn’t participate in “storming”(<=no opposition during landing) the beach and he wasn’t at the Battle of the Rapido where the 15th Panzergrenadiers decimated the 36th after the 36th crossed the Garigliano River) and spent his 19th birthday in a foxhole on the night of the second German counterattack.

The 36th split into three colums and he was in the 141st [edit to correct: my Grandpa was in the 143d. He wasn’t involved in the night street battle that the 141st had. He was fighting the 1st Fallschirmjäger in the hills behind Velletri] when they took Velletri. He was shot by a sniper on the Road to Rome after Velletri and got pulled out for recovery. When he had recovered, he was sent home to Camp Atterbury to oversee SS prisoners of War. (He was pissed that he never got to see Rome)

My Grandpa told stories that as the line of troop transports were leaving port, he was in the very last ship on the line that was going to Europe. The next ship over and all the others broke away from the line, headed down towards the Panama Canal, and they all headed for the Invasion of Saipan. He watched them head south until he couldn’t see them anymore.

The people who don’t have a story at least something like this from some part of the world are just plain weird.

…on that note: @ChuchaDrucha Italy Campaign 2024?


I hear you but that’s what many think. If you’re selling a product (like Darkflow is) then it’s best to lean into that.

I’m pretty sure the max number of soldiers in Italy was pretty quickly surpassed after D-Day but not certain how long that took.

Whatever the case, Western Europe is the theater most American players are likely interested in so limiting it to high BR is bad for the game.

As for Berlin being in the same state… I’d love to play low BR Berlin. Also, Germany has access to many maps at all BR’s so I will discount German Mains statements on this as a matter of course.

great, anther ignorance of basics i mentioned too many times so add a new one. LET THE PLAYERS TO CHHOSE A BATTLEFIELD

Hm for me it wasw always Stalingrad and Berlin: from bf1942 to CoD 1&2, to CoD WaW, to even bs movies like Enemy at the gates.

Growing up, “Iconic World War 2” was:

-Doolittle Raids (Jimmy Doolittle was my great grandpa’s first cousin)
-Overlord (of course)

that’s excluding the raising of the flag on Mt Suribachi, Pearl Harbor, and the dropping of the A-Bombs. Those are obviously iconic moments, but not iconic battles.

For Americans? Probably, but in other parts of the world, the focus is usually on the nation’s own struggle.

Hot world war topics in Hungary:
Siege of Budapest and holocaust
Battle of Stalingrad and battle of Don
Fall of Poland and Warsaw uprising
Africa campaign and Rommel (his guide was a Hungarian, minor power nationalism!)
Battle of France
allied fire bombing of cities, destruction of heritage and innocents.

The higher on the list, the more talked about it is.


Yeah, I got wrong planes for the first time after this “fix”, they were always matching my paratroopers nationality before it

Of course

We don’t talk much at all about the Eastern Front other than Stalingrad. If you want to learn anything about the
Slavic world (or Hungary since Hungary isn’t Slavic) you had to seek it out on your own. Our basic stereotyped understanding of the Eastern Front is that there were countless war atrocities committed by all the belligerents in a way that was exceptionally rare on the Western Front.

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I feel like this update brought up more bugs than features.
Not even mentioning the fact “listing possible maps” feature is bugged from get go.
I really don’t understand what DF is doing. Is this normal to you? Are you releasing those bugs intentionally?


For me Iconic WW2 was:

  • Victory Day, red banner on top of Reichstag

  • Battle if Stalingrad, demolition of the city

  • Battle of Moscow, Germany’s first huge loss

  • Siege of Leningrad, 250 grams of bread for workers and 125 for everyone else per day

  • Kursk, world’s largest tank battle to day

  • Brest Fortress, heroic resistance amidst Barbarossa chaos

  • Bagration, Sevastopol, Odessa, Kharkov, Rzhev, Vyazma, etc. other battles raging every day for 4 years

  • Personal accounts of every family having one or more relative lost in the war.

And then there were D Days, Africas, Pacifics, etc. in the “other 5%” category.

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Will the professional achievement get fixed? Can’t unlock the achievement or in game rewards for getting a soldier to level 5.