Making Enlisted a Better Place №57

I was really disappointed when I realized that there was no Tiger, Churchill or Stuart tanks in Tunisia.
It was even more disappointing post merge.


It’s called bullshit and you have braindead war thunder for that.


The bug of lost cosmetics has not been fixed yet.
All the costumes I bought in for Normandy USA have been transferred to the Pacific Ocean and cannot be used in Normandy.
Please fix this bug as soon as possible. Is it that difficult?
A purchased cosmetic item has disappeared. // // Issues

It is a big problem when the content that customers are paying for is not available for a long time.


Thanks for adding back what we had originally, looking forward to other bug fixes in big patch, although CBT still giving me no indication as to if my bug is even acknowledged or not.

Please also consider feedback regarding Axis paras at BR4, changing them to BR to at least counter Allies and Soviets at low tier, it totally unbalanced the matches I played.

Keep up good work, please let’s make this game bigger, better in 2024, I am invested and have full faith in Devs, don’t let me down :+1:


I agree with him.
I have also paid a not inconsiderable amount of money for the game, so I would like to encourage the Devs to do their best…

But, if the bug of the charged items remains for too long, I don’t know if I like the game and love the devs, or if I am suffering from the Ben Franklin effect by having paid for the game. :stuck_out_tongue:

Dear devs, while we’re on the topic of incorrect maps, can we please have this in the next update:



  1. Stalingrad on BR 4-5 is obviously insane and not needed: Tiger 2s and STGs are time travelling 2 years into the past and imaginary weapons like AS and RPD spoil the iconic city
  2. Berlin on BR 3 is not needed, the equipment is too old (KV-1 and T-34-76 never reached Berlin)
  3. Normandy and Bulge make sense from BR 3 and up because having full bolt action fights on BR1-2 with early war crappy vehicles like M3 Lee, A13 and Crusader with Pz 38(t), yet without any M1 garands feels weird.

It was the correct decision from the start, why would you change that into this?


Good work, guys :slight_smile: another already fixed bug is bag. Icon on spawn minimap is not reflecting true position of apc. :slight_smile:

No comment, are you adding those bugs intentionally or what?


Also with a “fix” to upgrading Breda Mod .30 and Thompson M21/28 (box magazine) people are reporting that the same weapons in USSR nation just disappeared after they unequipped them from their soldiers.

That is a quality fix of a problem.

For me all these weapons are still there, but I won’t be testing it if I’m going to lose them when I equip and unequip them on soldiers (as for others), and I bet people that lost their weapons will not get them back, ever.


Eager to read the first review on steam…

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You forgot that German fought in Tunisia :slight_smile:
I added it to the table to make it complete.

rotace map


Thank you. Although I think Bulge is ok for BR3 as well.
So my final version would be this (with Khalkhin Gol as No.1 wish for Soviet and Japanese enemy variety with the next Major) :heart_eyes:



This looks funny ngl



In the two games I’ve played today my gunner in tank bugged out


Also the “fix” for the incorrect plane (never noticed before) is not a fix


Ah yeah, Soviet Lend And Lease for British para lmao


You are lucky I almost never get pacific

Are those British paratroopers? The Japanese have the same plane model I see, together with that camo and red star on the wings…

Those are BSA Welgun squad, yes.

My pilot can’t use the helmet properly, my jacket make me look like a hobbo…

I don’t think we are ready for steam…


Yeah, my Japanese infantrymen can’t use the helmet either