Making Enlisted a Better Place №47

And as a player I stated my opinion. If the sight don’t have zoom, it shouldn’t have zoom.


and as a community leader, did you give your opinion?

About that, as far am aware most of the tank commanders periscopes didn’t had good zoom at all, only basic function to look around.


As i got told, it’s in the works, can’t say anything else


While we are at it.
Improvements to coupola? Please?

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I m not a community leader.

As a player I think periscopes without zoom shouldn’t have zoom
As a alpha tester I think periscopes without zoom shouldn’t have zoom.

Both opinions,
Both more than open for a discussion
Both more than open to accept other outcome.

But, as a player, my opinion counts as much as any other player present. So I give it. Because I too, play the game. Alot.


ADS zoom on iron sights (or commander view) is (was?) an appreciated QoL feature.

IRL your vision isn’t restricted to a few inches monitor, and people at 50-100m look larger than 4 pixels.

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No mention of DAK tropical uniform being included in the customization? :pensive:


I understand your point. When you aim with the weapon it also zooms. Even though the gun sight doesn’t have zoom. so theoretically it’s just something to make gameplay more enjoyable. the same goes for tanks.
I’m avoiding comments that when you look outside the tank it still has a zoom function. I’m afraid they’ll remove that too


I would like to be able to choose a location when I first spawn. That’s how it is after death.


All i can say here is:we sent it to devs to review, but it’s their decision in some aspects.


Very true, Plus we have to try and always take on the input from the historical accuracy crowd.

They already get quite energetic when they see the wrong bag or emblem on a uniform lol


Rework D-DAY map. Now (After you have nerfed Tank Mobility) have allies on the first point great adventage on the landing beach. Germany Tanks need to go in front line where there are easily destroyed by American troopes or tanks camping in grey zones coz now we can´t get on the hill. For everyone who would like to argue with me that they (spots on the hill) were too OP I have only two words: M8 and HWAR.


You can use binoculars


Can you fix hmg/aa/at cannon hitboxes? I shoot at them in green area but it wont register and hmgs have invisible walls making it hard to hit the gunner

Strengthen the smoke bomb, I really don’t know how to face more and more open terrain now.And it has almost no translucent part at all, which will only make people feel like a mass of mud. Even the smoke range of white phosphorus is larger than it. :rofl:
And smoke shelling.It is useless to use a belated smoke bomb after waiting for the air raid to end.It should be able to be called at the same time, and there should be a certain time interval between smoke shelling.


I asked for this last week and numerous helpers responded saying they will send it to devs. We shall see

and can you shoot while using it? i havent try it so idk BUT if you cant shoot while using it then what the point?
Edit:im gonna try it rn

yes u can shoot while using it bro

I liked using the Artillary Luger as a primary weapon - it having lots of ammo and looking cool in the menu. Can you give us a option to use it as primary or a sidearm?