Making Enlisted a Better Place №46

In fact, there are not a few players who believe that different types of AA should be added, let me explain, currently there are 2 types of engineers, but when the conversion arrives these will disappear and the suggestion that many of us have seen would be that currently the squads of engineers 1 have weaker structures but easier to build and engineers 2 have more powerful structures but slow to build even with perk, in the convergence there you would choose if it is better to use light structures or heavier structures,same goes fo AA

That’s true but for some reason They’re more focused on giving us handheld AA weapons instead of making fixed in place AA guns more powerful for some magical reason even though it can’t move.

LOL, there’s nothing to fix.

Get better or keep suffering.


Compare the different types of AA, that of the allies (Americans, English, etc.) is very fast, but does slightly less damage than its Soviet counterpart who shoots slower but a good shot destroys whatever is found, in the Pacific version Japanese is inferior to the American, the German Tunisian is also inferior to the allied,go on then

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Does this also mean that tanks/vehicles won’t have as much difficulty driving up slopes/hills?


Do you have any plans to rebalance the communications corps?Here I want to talk about smoke shelling, I can hardly use it because my teammates are always calling for shelling and air strikes.Please let the smoke shelling not be affected by teammates’ shelling and air strikes.
And all smoke weapons perform badly. Don’t you have any plans to strengthen them?


I seem to be treated as an obstacle myself.This makes it difficult for me to build anti-tank guns.


It seems like AT-guns are bugged since the big update.

The terrain has to be 100 % flat to be able to build them.

It’s also forwarded as I understand it.


I’ve suggested before that they could add Heavy AA Guns like the 8.8 Flak and they could double as AA and AT guns.

On a separate note they could add different types of AA guns. However I will say that for now I think the current AA guns are fine. I’ve been seeing them built every so often. They can do the job

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Allow us to customize pants and torso of Pacific factions, as well as Event and Premium Squads

Also add more customization every so often

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I think after this event it will likely change. It seems like they wanted to try to get many people on for it and to do so, the rewards are all pretty good… for now.

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Not worth the time, even with the now “more or less” working damage system, it still takes too long to shoot down planes, you have to stay dedicated and attack them with your AA guns for multiple strafing runs - which means you are basically afk for 5 minutes , while the emeny pilot can attack ground targets multiple times before going down - which is also nice for the pilot, since respawning with a new plane is faster than reloading your plane anyways.

Playing as AA only makes sense if you can take down planes very fast, or if you can do other things while waiting for the hostile plane to get into range- thus the need for AA vehicles, or what has gotten pretty unpopular- AA guns that also work against infantry.


you appreciate my feedback. Ok character under fire after self healing always stand up to instantly die, tanks kills through destroyed tanks or through 2 and more walls, when i shot with barrel outside window i mostly hit the wall, i know that teaching bots to get in the building trhough window is out of your possibilities but i more appreciate if player doesnt stuck during jumping through the wall and than wasting time and energy to crew repairing the tank mostly immediatelly killed after leaving the tank

get used to it its enlisted, i suspect them that its a hobby project so authors do what they enjoy not us

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Im finding its not just AT guns. ammo boxes are pretty annoying to place too (starting to follow the same trend as the rally). Engineering is starting to get very clunky.


People would be more likely to build the AA guns if they had other benefits, such as being able to shoot at infantry when the planes are not around. But somehow somebody thought it is a good idea to block the AA gun’s depression with a magical force field preventing it from ever aiming at the poor infantry. With current AA gun aiming limit I don’t even take engineer squad to the battle unless I want to unlock the equipment slots for the engineer. I would rather just try and shoot planes down with my handheld MGs.


Well. It was “justified” back when they had four barrels and dealt more dmg and had insane rotation speed.
But now people cant be serious to say that the shitty British AA is on same level as the old Flak 38 Vierling.


Nonsense. Axis still cannot use tanks to defend first objective on D-Day map.


i think that next step is to improve armor of KV tank at Stalingrad. Its still destroyable

Its called videogame balance.
That is why Tunisia doesn’t have Tiger tank and Normandy doesn’t have Königstiger.