Making Enlisted a Better Place №31

I don’t think the whole pick up thing for the AT kit is a smart move, I don’t even get why it’s necessary you’re actually making tanks easier to kill? They’re stupid easy to kill now…


Please don’t do surprises ONLY for the festive season (late December - early January) when MANY people are travelling and can’t participate.

Fixed an error that caused the flight instructor mechanism to not compensate for aircraft drift by the reactive momentum of the propeller。 you fix 190 and il2 but forget yak 9 series

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I flight with Normandy Fw190.
I couldn’t tell any difference. But I have abandon this plane long time ago when I first fly it.

Are you sure the patch have been implemented yet?
Would be funny to fix stuff with placebo effect.


Well and it’s not like H&G where you can have like 4+ tanks wandering around tearing up everything in sight (and a collective HP that has to be depleted as opposed to realistic damage). The real issue with tanks is greyzone camping, and this is just more incentive for tanks to do so. Once out of the greyzone, it isn’t too bad.

I tried both the Berlin and Normandy Fw’s.

For what it’s worth, I most noticed the effect on Berlin because the approach has to be much closer (bombs in Berlin, rockets in Normandy). I don’t like to let the bombs go until the tanker crew can count the hairs on my “chestnuts,” so that last bit of the approach is what I’m referring to. With the rockets on the Normandy model, I usually let those fly from some distance.

As I say, I haven’t tested it in a battle yet, but based on Practice Mode in level flight I noticed a huge difference compared to my previous post(s) on the matter. So yeah, I think they’ve rolled the fix out.

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As @starkwolf and @Brrady pointed out, I too am somewhat skeptical with the addition of pickable AT weapons.
I think these should be experimented with in user-made maps first.
But on the other hand, Pacific campaign is… somewhat of a niche, and this weapon is… an oddity, so perhaps this may not be as bad as introducing panzerfausts in every crate in Normandy and Berlin maps…?

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IL2 still drifts

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Lunge mines are weaker now… even with two lunges mines I could not destroy a halftrack,
also when playing the American side I could pick up a lunge mine from the ground but not use it.

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I don’t even see the crates on the map, where are they?

Haven’t used them yet, but if they are that weak what’s the point hurting immersion for something that is arguably not even as useful as explosion packs?

Une modification va en entraîner fatalement une autre; c’est un cercle vicieux. bien entendu, c’est un jeu d’infanterie et non de chars. Dans la réalité les chars sont utilisés par pelotons pour se couvrir mutuellement. Quand il n’en reste qu’un, il se replie. Il peut y avoir un mécanisme qui donne des points aux pilotes qui restent à une courte distance l’un de l’autre. De plus on peut introduire les transports de troupes qui ont pour mission de rester derrière les chars pour les couvrir. Admettons qu’ils fonctionnent comme les bombardiers et les motos et que n’importe quel joueur peut les utiliser soit en coopération avec son propriétaire soit en le débloquant sur son chemin.
La réalité, c’est que ces modifications n’ont vraiment d’intérêt que sur des cartes ouvertes comme la Tunisie.
c’est ce qui pourrait compenser la multiplications d’armes anti char.
Mais historiquement, à part au cours des batailles de berlin ou du débarquement, il n’y avait pas tant d’armes anti char sur le terrain. Sur les autres cartes, il vaudrait mieux laisser ce rôle aux équipes anti char et aux sapeurs, même concernant les mines.

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IL-2M is still drifting both left & right on Berlin maps. as usual, your studio did not fix the actual problem.

I will give you a hint. It’s a problem on Herman Goering/Ministry Garden/Wilhelmstrasse and not a problem on Werbig Station.

Your devs should compare the WIND VALUES ON THOSE MAPS. Then go back and fix all the wind values on all the Berlin maps. Because going by the data mine that @118677465 was nice enough to pull for me last month:

berlin before pacific:
entity{ _template:t=“wind” windstrength:r=1.3 winddir:r=190.0 }

berlin after pacific:
entity{ _template:t=“wind” windstrength:r=6.3 winddir:r=0.0 }

One of your devs fat-fingered the wind values on Berlin and possibly other campaigns too. And now they need to fix them.