Making Enlisted a Better Place №27

Hey. It worked in Tunisia, so it will work in Asia again.

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Did it?
Tunisia still feels pretty one sided. Playing as allies is relaxing. It’s possible to win as axis, just requires much more efforts.

Tiger in Tunisia when? (And Churchill) This will probably make Italian faction top dog when it happens.

As for Japan… tweaking tickets and cap times… Well that won’t make the faction suddenly fun to play or unique.

Did u fix the tank bugs? Um no, seriously what are you thinking? You need to make fixing bugs NUMBER 1 PRIORITY , quit creating new ones before you fix the old ones. I try to give positive feedback but you keep ignoring bugs, WHY?

How about making enlisted a better place by dedicating the next 10 making enlisted a better place to repairing ALL existing bugs in ALL campaigns, then enlisted WOULD ACTUALLY be a better place.

As far as balance in the pacific campaign goes, i never had difficulty winning when playing the axis side, even at very low level, so…???


Simpsons - Thats the joke


It is more like a temporary solution, but it is better than nothing.

They did this with US when they lost all the time and it basically turned the tide into Allies rofl stomping.

Well, if it truly were the case, then I guess.

But seeing how it’s the only tweaks they ever did to attempt balancing, since the game got out…

That “temporary” feels a tad persistent.

in this way we can run enlisted in a ps3 or xbox360

I just want to be able to watch my lone fighters replays…

Im glad you make older PCs capable of playing this game… but pls fix t-50 already AND make Machine guns work and be usable on Ka-Chi tank … im not offensive to you but man i paid for it so it should be finished dont you think ? :slight_smile:

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I don’t think that is the reason of Allies stomping. For example, other inferior faction on other campaign did get similar buff. But it didn’t turn the table around. I think that only accelerate the process of people switching to Pacific Allies because of better stuff.

I heard somebody said that some Japanese SMG was buffed, so they did attempt to balance it.

@Keofox, I believe pacific needs a tad more than mere cap times and ticket amounts.

As many other campaigns.

I’m certain you agree as well:

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Allies were able to capture cps in less than 10seconds with like 4 or five soldiers and recieved huge numbers of reinformcements.

But this had been change to normal, but Allies still stomp?

Also I remember that the buff on Allies only last few day. The US gain total upper hand is after the buff was gone. During the buff Axis is still playable.

Very sad indeed, players keep asking for bugs to repaired over and over and they keep saying making enlisted a better place is based on player feedback, i call bs. Nowhere have i saw a single request to play enlisted on outdated equipment. Its difficult to keep a positive attitude when the MOST PREVALENT requests (repairing bugs) by actual players ignored and instead they keep giving us things that should be way back on the list of the things to do. Priority should be focused on smooth opertion and function of existing parameters of gameplay, not introducing new garbage that one two people MIGHT have mentioned or asked for. They need to quit serving us :poop: sandwiches and telling us its steak.

Sad is MASSIVE understatement.

Much needed changes, allows more players to join the fun!

Now a question: Could we please get DLAA?

Don’t do it soul tribunal will kill everyone with working bipod!

!naughty soul!!!

I feel offended by the bipods.remove them and introduce sensored tripods!!!

Don’t be offended. I know bipod processing is underway. It was a hint.