Making Enlisted a Better Place №24

proof the moustache is needed


What would you suggest?

Nuking Jumbos frontally with 75mm HE is too much fun to pass up

just flank it :smiley:

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You don’t even have to most of the time
MAYBE if you’re in the Puma and have a bad angle, but every German tank can kill it frontally
3N and up can do it with HE

a sherman with the 105 would be nice, for example

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The jumbo is to easy to kill now, orf43 pen him frontally

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Yeah I could get behind that
Give it the HE and HEAT rounds and it’d be able to punch hard too

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M1 Abrams for example

Panther KF51

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Lend leased T-90

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It wasn’t about really how hard it is to kill
But again, we know both our views on that matter

  1. When occupying a base, you need to increase the score and give the point capture points in real time - The current base scoring system has too few points and gives points only to the players in the base when the base capture is completed, so The importance of occupying a stronghold is diminished

  2. PC players should also be given the ability to cross-play console players - Aim correction for console users makes the gap between normal PC players (eg shooting invisible enemies, etc.) no see

  3. ABolt action needs to be adjusted - damage to the current bolt action is high and so powerful that there are many users who do not enter the base and only shoot I understand that the bolt action buff is for beginners, but it was too much to neutralize the puck to avoid instantaneous death, such as the life force perk or the healing speed perk In order to solve this problem, we ask you to take direct measures such as reducing damage by distance or reducing the hit rate

  4. Restriction of automatons is required - This is a more realistic proposal for bridging the gap between beginners and experts than the bolt action buff. Current automatons provide too much firepower and are not realistic ( suggestion-squad-armament-points-system/67426#what-is-a-squad-armament-points-system-2)

  1. Defense team also has a limitation of reinforcement.
    Defense team should retreat if they run out of tickets.

  2. Improve ticket cost system.
    Light tank, low tier tank must cheaper than high tier, heavy tank.

  3. nerf the super zoom and reload time and ROF of BA
    this way is the best way to keep maintaining the concept of BA rifles.
    Slow and high risk, high return.

  4. rally is too powerful and often it’s impossible to against this rally.
    Just a few sandbags perfectly protect them form all kind of explosive and there is no way to flank and press it.
    this thing is really ruining the concept of attack position and defense position.

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updates to the AI is something I always enjoy.


AI updates always most apricated.

Can we get them to stop forgetting their orders when a point is taken though?


With HE? Didn’t know. Good info.
The more we know…

-Revising AI course in Kahif cave map(Tunisia). The AI refuse to take some underground pathways.

-Enabling players to buy several items of the same kind at once

-Enabling custom game password for everyone

-mg durability bug, especially bunker mgs in D-Day map. In the past, two bolt-action shots were enough to destroy the bunker mg, which would lay to its side. Now it endures several .30 shots and stay functional. Maybe its a ping issue and the .30 shots didn’t hit at all from the server perspective.
Question: can a tank HE shell damage the bunker mg?

-Bolt-action adjustment: Now bolt-actions have very high damage. The problem is that now bolt-action sniper rifles(with less damage drop over distance) can easily kill, not just down, the enemy from far away. (I want to keep it short, so I won’t write about smoke-countering here)
Question: How does the developers feel about this bolt-action buff? Do they think bolt-actions need additional adjustments(damage drop over distance, max damage, rpm, etc)?
P.S. One thing I am worried about is that this BA buff made the ‘sacrifice rpm for higher damage’ BAs useless. Now the only thing that matters in BAs is the rpm.

-Letting PC players to turn off crossplay. Console players can turn off crossplay. Why can’t PC players do the same? Is there a particular reason why the developers haven’t allowed this yet?

-radio operator mg in tanks. Just curious if the developers are planning to do this.

The below are ‘big change’ suggestions.
-Increasing player count in each team to 15, ground vehicle squad count to 3, and plane squad count to 3. Categorize tanks–> give one slot for only light tanks, one slot for only medium and heavy tanks, and last slot for any tank(this is just a example)

-Make some maps wider, allowing more diverse attack routes.

It became a long list. Thanks for reading and taking these opinions into account. I hope the developers make the right choices for the game.


Yo gib us engineers or anything for old premiu squads.
You cant tell that its not possible technical-wise to change their squad tree/ setup. Heck, you were able to do this once during CBT. So why isnt that possible now?


When you crash land an airplane and get out of it, have the game teleport you back to the battlefield. Currently you stand around (or swim) and slowly die for being out of bounds.

Make pilot perks that affect turret gunners say (turret). If none do affect turret gunners (I’m still not sure if they do) use the following, something similar or new perk for them:

+10% angle of focused and peripheral vision (affect the angle (degree) range of turret and accuracy at long range)

+50% enemy aircraft detection range (have it affect the distance when turret gunners will indentify enemy aircraft and engage).

-100% of head swinging during sharp manouvers (increase turret accuracy while aircrafter is doing sharp manouvers, without perk have turret gunners spray and pray).

Make sure stamina, overloads, and g-forces are affected to turret gunners ability to aim and shoot. They shouldn’t be shooting if out of stamina and g-forces/blacking out should decrease accuracy/stop shooting.

-60% damage from hard landing with an open parachute (have it work for turret gunners, currently they don’t hard land even without the perk. They always survive)

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When I saw the weapon section, I thought they were actually gonna balance weapons.