Making Custom Matches a Better Place

This topic is purely suggesting improvements regarding Custom Matches.

  1. New, better UI system. I’ve taken the liberty of mocking up a potential one in about 10 minutes, I’m sure the actual UI designers can make something better with a little more thought and knowledge.
    Creating the lobby:

    Inside the lobby:

  2. Remove or reduce the XP/Progression punishment from low/1-player Custom Matches. For this I’d suggest just swap the Custom Matches (0.2x) and the Desertion (0.7x) punishments around so that Custom Matches is 0.7x and Desertion is 0.2x - this will improve the Custom Matches massively, and might even help reduce Desertion, thus solving two problems at once. Regardless of actual numbers, Custom Match players should not be punished more than Deserters, that’s just ludicrous.

  3. Ability to add Passwords should be for all players, and/or everyone should be able to disable mid-game joining.

  4. Mod-of-the-Week mods should have their own Custom Match lobby that is constantly running, instead of relying on random people to make their own lobby for it. This will hopefully improve the number of players playing mods, and consolidate mod players together.

  5. Mods should give XP/progression, but be severely limited, perhaps to 0.1x. You shouldn’t get nothing for playing mods, but it shouldn’t be an amount that make mods a go-to option for grinding. Heck, just make the Mod-Of-The-Week give XP at least.

  6. Allow team imbalance. If 10 people want to play against 2, why stop them? Why make them do a 5v5? Just ruins the idea of using Custom Matches to play with large groups of friends, or organise lobbies how the host wants them organised. It’d be amazing to do a 1v10 or some other challenges. There shouldn’t be any requirement for teams to be balanced.

  7. On the other hand, allow host to manually switch which team any player is on as long as the game hasn’t started.

People will probably hate on this suggestion purely because it’s about Custom Matches and “no one plays/no one cares about Custom Matches stfu”, which is unfortunate because, especially with the recent Merge update, it could be a really great feature if people just let us suggest ways for DF to expand it.


i’ll just add mines too:

in particular:

the rest inside, is facoltative. but i’d argue should be one thing one day.

p.s. i did readed, and i’m aware majority of mines were already mentioned/are present, but i would like to make it aware while agree and double down on these points. at least personally.

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perhaps daily cap by playing customs alones similar to the pve of crossouts.

no more than 40k of experience daily

( doesn’t have to be 40k, but somewhere in that range )

after all, enlisted should be for everyone.

could be an idea / just my opinion.

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I’m not a big fan of putting hard caps on stuff as it basically means once you reach that cap, there’s no point playing,

but in this case capping XP from the modded custom matches would work just as well, it’s already better than the guaranteed 0 we already get, whilst still limited to prevent abuse.

i don’t think there should be a cap for non-modded custom matches though, or if there is maybe its like 3x or 4x as much as the modded one.

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40k xp is too low a early tier1 even take 20k xp to unlock.
The pve mode can go this way.
before getting 80k per day the xp is given at 100%
between 80k to 200k at 75%
and only 50% after 200k