yes asap
Make working at the factory while being equipped with hammer and nails be mandatory for at least a week for every new player. Those new players need to start thinking about hammering even when they are asleep and their hands need to move in the same rhythm.
I agree it makes no sense for a game to say they want team play but give you entry level squads that have no team play. Yes, they give you medic class but healing in this game is so jank that the class is pretty much used for the SMG. So much work that needs to be done with this game and it seems like they are just sitting in mud not wanting to move, but oh boy they can waste time on making events that make you open your wallet, or squads that continue to force solo play
curernt tutorial doesn’t really help with newbs, as its basically “here, did you know you have to press W to go forward” and not much else
I agree. There should be a short tutorial that teaches players how to cap a point, how to destroy a tank, how to drive a tank, etc.
Exactly, this is teams game, you are doing the extra mile and winning a match, mostly of the times, solo killing and cleaning enemies, to help players that are not cooperating and the worst is that you are providing research points for squads that they are not sure how to use exactly or what they do.
New players need some light. You can’t expect for them to understand the radio squad or the engie squad only with three screenshots and two lines of words.
this is not only problem of new players. you can regularly see this even on BR5…
It’s not just them misunderstanding the squads themselves, tons of new players have faulty mental model of how the game works
They spend entire games hiding in spawn or on some random hills or in some buildings out of the way trying to stay alive like they are in Squad Art Online or something
They end up not earning any xp (and then they go on ti complain how grindy the game is), not really having any fun and pissing off the rest of the team. This game is simply not playable when too many of your teammates are not vaccinated against capzone cooties
I’ve recently been playing BR2 and they are so clueless they literally enemy rallypoints that are right in front of actual spawn…
Tutorials have to teach them about map control, how meaningless are kills against a team with infinite tickets, how rallies/APCs work, how playing the objective is the only way to win (doesn’t mean mindlessly running at the enemy, but so many newb teams will spend the full 25 minutes doing nothing only to zerg cap after they lost their last ticket - only to immediately go back to camping - which is extra annoying as that extends the game even more…and shows they could have done it right from the start)
I am constantly playing games, trying to take cap points over and over only to die there because no one ever comes to the cap point. I can literally look out the windows and see my team mates running amuck looking for people to kill, and not even attempting to enter the control point. So, I jump in my plane and say the hell with it, they can take it on their own and I can make pass after pass and see team mates all over the map, but no one close to the cap point. The game play is bad and seems to keep getting worse.
Everything you have wrote is correct my friend, the whole concept of the game is lost in a sea of ignorance.
Yes, and this is the main issue on why i made this post.
This is a picture of a game i played a second ago… I’m seriously on doubts if this game has more than 5 real human players per match.
At this point you can’t even blame the noobs. If the game is gonna be filled with bots because of devs doing half ass job, at least give us back the campaigns and let us choose where to play.
There has to be something to be done anyhow to help new players, perhaps a system where new players can only vs new players for their first 10 matches or something like that?
That and the tutorial has to be overhauled, its such a dull and somewhat buggy mess as it is. Maybe take inspiration from a CoD game and set the tutorial in a scripted mission?
I still can’t comprehend why they didn’t give BR1 vs BR1 a chance. That should be the place to learn and make mistakes without being powercreeped by rifles with repetition that noobs are not even close to research.
This is why I think Confrontation is such a bad game mode. Sure, if you have two good teams then the match should be drawn out a bit. But most of the time it’s my team (Oh lets rush the first point fight and cap, then sit on our hands not cap the second point, shot at the enemy coming to cap the original point, then cap the first point again, repeat until tickets are gone for both sides then zerg the last point and hope we have more people alive to win such a waste of my time.)
I agree with you on this. Too many players only want the high kill count not the win at the end.
This is where the Devs should take a look in the mirror and say hey our game is not as great as it can be lets actually do something about it. Let’s improve the gameplay experience, improve the AI system. So maybe it will get a solid player count and not have to rely on bots for matches. But I mean even if they did have to rely on bots for matches till the player counts went up. If they improved them so that they would do things to win the match I wouldn’t mind and at the end of it all you couldn’t tell right away or by the score screen at the end that you played with a bunch of bots even if you lost the match because the bots actually did something.
I think destruction is the worst for the bots since they don’t defuse or set the bomb. They will literally run into the room with the bomb ticking away and not defuse, even new players will go over an at least try to shoot the bomb thinking it’s a separate device or be looking around frantic for the prompt to defuse.
I think I even met you in one match, lol.
Yeah, we were playing hot potato with the det pack over the Universal Carrier lul
Annoyingly, the game also doesn’t tell you you’ll get barely any xp if you got a ton of score “the wrong way”. Sit in a single tank and get 300+ kills? You’ll probably get less xp than someone who just did mediocre but kept dying doing varied things. Chasing AI bombers is the worst bait of all. You can get tens of thousands of score… And like 2k xp from that fighter pilot
I do like the idea of BR1 facing each other for new players to get used to how the game plays. Even with veteran players loading into BR1 from higher BR’s which is what’s happening with the BR1-BR2 currently. While it will be clear the veterans have better in game skill or maxed out squads, they are still limited by the equipment they can use. So, I think it will balance out for the most part. Only other thing I can suggest is for the first 10 battles or so they face only people that are working their way through their first 10 battles as well. Then they will still be in BR1, but they will be introduced to other BR1s that are just working through the rest of the tech tree or veterans that came down from other BRs.