Make the M1A1 Thompson BR II, M1918 Browning BR II

you all need to look at the tech trees. the M1918 browning LMG is the first LMG in tier 3. the reason i say that over the other 2 is the bipod scenrio. The M1918 A1 and A2 have bipods. the A1 is basically the same gun just with a bipod. how is asking for the one the “worst” one to be lowered tier? same goes with thompson. I will admit the M1A1 grease gun is a good weapon but does it compare to the MP40? the MP 40 is tier 2. that is why i asked for the “worst” thompson to come down. if MP40s are open to basically any tier why isn’t any form of “free” thompson?

The worst Thompson is still on par with br3 German smgs like the mp35i and zk383. The lanchester is a better match to the mp40 and it’s already in the same br.

Equally true is that the worst BAR is still better than the mg-13, and on par with br3 German lmgs. The bren is a good lmg and a solid pick for br2.

The US lineup is pretty strong in every br at this point. The only thing they’re lacking is a heavy tank, which the Pershing has already been teased so that should fill the gap there.


Don’t be silly.

Battle rating has NOTHING to do with historical accuracy and time.

M1a1 tier IV and box 1928 II?

That’s just plain ridiculous.


I don’t see whats crazy about nerfing the Thompson that was used only early war so that it can fit into low BR. Its not like you miss out on other Thompsons for higher BR, there are like 4 other Thompsons available for unlock.

Also the bren gun just got its chance to shine!

Let it enjoy its moment!


Didn’t it always?

Was a necessity for my Tea Boo lineup :thinking:


I mean now it has to get the attention it deserves :stuck_out_tongue:

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exactly my point. 6 types of thompsons and none of them low tier except for the gold order one? The thompson has been around since 1929 according to the gold order one, why are none of them available in the game until “1942”?

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when the game isn’t broken and in beta forever.

I mean the 20rnd version can go to BR2, but the 30rnd one should stay at BR3 and 4, and the M21/28 version is actually the best of the Thompson


Because BR is unrelated to the actual time of introduction of the weapon. This is nonsense, except if you want the Fedorov at BR 1 and FG42 at BR 3.


is that 42 or 43 in combat years

FG-42 wasn’t produced until 1943.


FG42 first saw combat in late 1943.

Because thats the opposite of productive feedback

i just want them to pick a side and stick to you. either aim for realism or aim for a balanced game as whole. i really don’t understand why telling them to make a choice is so bad. The thompson, fg42, the federov, all of them should be available in their respected map BR placement. Pacific should have bars, thompsons, garands and maybe a new big plane that drops a 2000 lbs to represent the nuke. mp40s should be available for moscow maps. stalingrad should have access to the mg 42 and fg42. why is aiming for a small bit of realism so hard?

stick to it*

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

i still don’t see the bad thing in asking for something to be true nowadays. k98s, springfields and mosins don’t have the same power as a weapon. your ok with be lying to as long as it’s fair?
