Make the m1903 Springfield with GL count as special weapon kills

I don’t know if the other grenade launchers count as special weapons for the special weapons kills assignment (i’m pretty sure they do because I got 15/20 kills for the assignment from M1 carbine alone), but I know for sure that the Springfield M1903’s grenade launcher does not award you for special weapons kills.

This is quite annoying because the extra mission info states that kills with projectile launchers count, and I’m pretty sure a grenade launcher is a projectile launcher.

FYI, ingame, the M1903 grenade launcher is called “M1 rifle grenade launcher”

Doesn’t count as a grenade kill either, and IMO that would be a better addition since the word is right there in the name of the weapon!

But why only the 1903? Are other RG’s not also deserving??