Make the Hs 123 A-1 an Attack Plane

The Hs 123, the first plane in this game, has been a Fighter plane since the very beginning. However it’s role in the war was a dive bomber.

The story of the Hs 123 truly is astounding. Just as it was just entering service in 1936 it was basically instantaneously replaced by Ju 87 a year later. It’s true potential was realized when the Germans invaded the Soviet Union and it was found that this antiquated plane performed exceptionally well in the horrid snow, mud, and icy conditions where it became infamous in how well it performed. It performed so well in fact that there was some effort to restart production on this antiquated design.

Now in addition to the 4 SC50 bombs as it has in game, the Hs also carried the larger SC250 bomb. I think the SC250 should be added to it’s arsenal. The Hs is a light paper thin biplane, it’s not hard to take it down

So, make the Hs 123 an Attack class plane and give it the SC250


Ive actually been enjoying reading about these last biplanes in world war 2.

The Hs 123 and the CR 42 specifically. Performed suprisingly well.


I think we should get more biplanes and other unique planes. Biplanes really had their last hurrah in the dawn of modern warfare in WW2


I agree. Would be nice for BR 1 to be removed from BR 3 and add planes such as the

CR 32
CR 42


Ehhh, I’m more of an advocate that BR should be overhauled to be historical. And I typically don’t mind when I see various BR things even the early tier things. You are what you are and you do what you gotta do

And I would love to see those other biplanes. Very niche

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Cr 32 and fury mk 1 are in the editor

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Mixed feelings about those two now that i think about it…no option for any bombs (at least not in warthunder)…makes them pretty meh for enlisted

They could work as scout planes or they could be in the tunisia airfield just like the hs 123s in the normandy airfield


If it has guns or bombs and can shoot then it’s ok in my book

Plus we need scout planes to get scouting abilities. And hard maybe a version of BR or just a separate matchmaker based on historical accuracy or just a +1/-1 BR or no change in tier BR, so I can enjoy this gem of a plane without dying to and IL-2 every two seconds.
Mainly the first, can reconnaissance actually y’know, recon?

I tend to say if you get destroyed you get destroyed. Que sera sera. Sometimes you live, sometimes you die. You do what you can with your spawn

Also I think they should add Recon planes as a Radio call in that can spot enemy rallies, vehicles, etc

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That’d be cool
and yeah if you die you die but I tried running the biplane again after merge and it was a lot different from my experience in Moscow.