Historically accurate D-Day weather was request a long while back and the devs even said they’d add it in. That was 7 months ago according to that devblog. I’m of the opinion that D-Day should always be overcast but having it in the rotation would be good enough.
They even recently deleted the “dark” and rainy version of Berlin (the historical one) for a sunny version so don’t expect too much from them. They like their game when it’s ultra shiny and bloomy.
I don’t really mind them deleting the ultra high contrast super dark map variants but the overcast D-Day is something I’d really like to see in Enlisted. They should re-add some of the overcast maps but with proper illumination. It would look very realistic whenever Enlisted get’s proper Ray Tracing support.
They weren’t super dark, not even dark. This game lack of the true atmosphere of the war, it’s like you are on vacation how the weather is sunny everytime on every single map. I don’t even wait anymore night maps lol
Been wishing for this for so long!! Sunny d-day just feels off. Especially in this game where it’s so god damn bright in most maps. I don’t think these darker maps are a bad thing and can actually be pretty good. Moscow has those darker snowstorm setting maps and I tend to like those a lot when I get them. It’s just a nice change of visuals and it changes things up a bit by limiting visibility too. So that’s a nice little gameplay variation there.
Would be amazing to see more of these darker overcasty or stormy-type maps in the future tbh.
I just want overcast with realistic lighting. Which would be possible if Enlisted had proper ray tracing. Global Illumination does make the game look better, but it’s not doing a proper job of illuminating everything. It does shade environment way better than if it was turned Off, plus it’s a minimal hit to framerate but we all know RTGI is the way to go.
Technically that beach head isn’t even correct. The enlisted beachhead offers the allies a cute bunker on the German left flank, complete with mgs, and even another one on the right flank too. The Germans can hardly use these bunkers, because they’re in a “grey” zone.
The allies can set up a rally point deep in the left or right flank, and then they no longer need to spawn directly from the beach. Wait a minute, no wonder it takes only 5 minutes to capture, shoulda took two straight days!