Make popular Rally Point

That wouldn’t make rally points more popular for me really. In fact, it would make me even more disgusted with them.

It’s not enough that I have to keep building them to win games. It’s not enough that I’m constantly getting destroyed by guerrillas.
Now I won’t get rewards if I don’t build them when artificial quests pop up.

No, they better remove rally points from the game completely. The never ending necessity for building rally points all the time feels like a slavery. It’s definitely not fun. Just constantly hitting the air with a hammer…

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so get rid of engis? no more bags or crooks or ammo? this idea doesnt really make sense to me, if it wants to solve the low br rally problem.

All I said is to remove rally points. I haven’t said a single word about engineers.

oh , right. :slight_smile: my bad. that could be a good, although radical idea as well.

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but we all agree, that there is a low br rally problem! whats the solution that everyone can agree with might be next question.


Make them a droppable equipment like mines, you don’t waste time building them but you still get to have them.

You could also move spawn zones closer to caps but that would result in more spawn killing or would make capturing points too easy.

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all we really need is command for your AI engi to build one, it’s really strange we haven’t got it yet…

Command Engineers in squads to build stuff without switching to the Engineer to do it yourself

it was suggested like 3 years ago sadge


You can already order them to do so. But you must have a hammer in your hand the whole time they’re building the rally point. Otherwise, they’ll just stop building it.

And because you’re forced to have a hammer in your hand, there is literally no reason not to join them.


I solved the problem 2 years ago, DF is just to eggheaded to listen:

  • the core problem is players being lazy and spending 10 sec placing rallies
  • unless this isnt solves, the 95% lazy fucks who dont build them now wont build them later either
  • reduce the rally point building to 1,5 sec (without building perk)
  • NOW things will change and the biggest balance problem of the game is solved
  • also increase exp gain from 35 to 50 (same as APCs)

well yeah this is the main issue

this works really bad you’re done building by the time they make it to you


@ParaDivision so decrease building time is what we can actually do if im understanding correctly? im a sucker for your channel and love you but this doesnt contribute very much mate

i think gaijin has now good ideas that something needs to be done. wether they implement it or not is another thing. i very much hope so though.

yes, the time aspect makes 90% of the rally point problem.
this is obv for everyone understanding psychology, but DF sadly doesnt understand much. they need years to implement basic things that often times even the whole community tells them to do asap.


Honestly what would go a massive way to fixing the issue is simple,

Allow a command to order an engineer in your squad to build a rally while you do other things

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I mean it would be nice if you could order them to drop one on a map or something

But in reality the issue with rally points is…crap match balance.
Good teams usually have tons of rally points and enough active people that it is almost impossible to get to them without dying
Playing with a weak team against a stacked team means:
almost no one on your team will build rally points as a rule (they sometimes might drop one once in a blue moon at best) → lots of weak players sit hiding in corners of the map → they do not respawn often → the existing rallies are empty and unprotected (with active respawns its hard to push to it) → half the team being afk on the sides means enemies are free to roam instead of being “tethered” to the objective → the few and far between existing rallies get picked of easily → almost no one is building new ones → the few people who are actually trying to play the game make one → it’s immediately obvious where your team is spawning → new rally point gets mined/killed almost instantly

But removing rally points will make this even worse, now the stronger team would always just spawn camp you till the match is over

We need less extremely lopsided matches

a skill based matchmaking system would be great, though sadly I doubt it will ever happen due to a lack of players.

At least with an AI command, it means players who never build rallies because its boring to just hold down left click for 20 seconds, will do so since its both free points and no burden on them as their AI can do it instead.

That or you should heavily incentivise building rallies via an increase in points for building a rally and an increase of points as a reward for people using your rally.

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right now I’d settle for having to queue for all factions if you have a squad of 3 or 4 players (squad of 2 seems more manageable)
and a mechanisms to disincentivise only playing for most overpopulated faction (perhaps reduced xp gain if the match is 10 max BR humans vs bots/whatever random geared dregs the MM managed to scrape up, and longer or even uncapped queue times on overpopulated factions - have enlisted clippy pop up and say “tired of long queues? just enable play for all factions!”)

I mean a system like heroes and generals had back in the war mode would be great, underpopulated factions got massive bonuses both to ingame spawning time and etc and to XP and currency gain.

I think punishing people who want to play a certain faction is a poor or at least misguided course of action. The carrot here is a far better method.

Another thing that could work, is give more rewards for doing well in an uptier and less rewards for doing well in a downtier. Not much now, say a plus or minus 10% range.

As for squads, I think for a squad of 3 or 4, you should get a warning that you will face longer queue times because you have to be matched against another similar sized squad, though let that be a soft rule and if there is no game found for them after say 5 mins, just matchmake them in, just because the number of players isnt quite high enough for that yet.

@Artidano I’m not sure what you’re trying to do, but stop it. Calling out the staff is against the rules. Pack it in. Consider this a warning.

Topic cleared avoid derailing again or flaming

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