Make it so ALL tanks can cross trenches, not only did tanks do so irl, but also did it with ease, gravity is not so strong that tanks cant cross trenches

obv most tankers wouldn’t even try such thing, because there is the possibility they could get stuck obv, BUT MOST OF THE TIME, tanks that DRIVE won’t just INSTANTLY get stuck on trenches because of the damn gravity!, the tank IS driving 13 km/h yet they SOMEHOW get suck on a trench??, that would never happen irl


it may be placebo, but I’ve noticed greater success clearing trenches when my tank is upgraded. That extra engine power seems to make the difference

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Tank were made for break thourgh the trenches

I never add problem to drive over trenches if I take the trench horizontal, if you take the trench diagonally you can’t complain if the tank sink inside, because one of your tracks sink inside the trench and the rest of the tank follow, the is2 is so long that’s outside drive diagonally it can’t stuck in the trench

Also shorter title and this isn’t a suggestion and don’t offend other user

This is not wrong.

The absolute original intent for tanks was to break the trench stalemate and to take out machine gun nests in WWI.

It is kind of crazy that in this game, tanks have such a hard time with trenches regardless of the angle, etc etc. It should be the case that you’d have to go out of your way/on purpose TRY to get your tank stuck in order for that to happen.

I don’t remember exactly, but I read somewhere long ago, that in Dagor, tracked vehicles have only few traction points along the bottom of the track, so a ditch that would be a cakewalk for a real tank can really mess you up in the game, due to the tank getting stuck on an edge between two such points, or unable to go forward as tracks don’t have traction on the front/back to drag them.