I agree with Lthiddensniper in this thread. As I’ve personally enjoyed the campaign system more than this current merge system. Personally they can get away with just each month being a historical time period and front as an even with a few extra slots for battle and time-based premium squads and vehicles, just as I’ve said in the past. However I wouldn’t mind 3-4 having its own set of mid war maps either. And then 4-5 having strictly late war.
It’s still accurate for crusaders to be in the pacific as they were used by Australian infantry divisions in the pacific for reconnaissance.
I hear you there. And I have played a lot of HLL… They’ve tried to adhere to what was historically accurate in some regards and honestly it just made one map super lame. Said map happened in certain a year so some guns weren’t invent. Had all original weapons initially until devs removed some for HA and now it’s the most unplayed and hated map in the game. Though to be fair, a few reasons for that hatred besides lame weapon choice. And it’s worth mentioning that the grind to unlock weapons is much worse than enlisted, and now these hard earned weapons are unusable because of HA? Ridiculous! Plus the game is unbelievably buggy so it always seemed odd to remove things for historical reasons when certain bugs were still prevalent. I like that game but honestly the Dev team for Enlisted is miles ahead of those guys in every regard.
Anyways, not here to complain about HLL, good luck if you make the switch. Don’t play that game like you do Enlisted or you will die a lot!
I can’t find that anywhere, unless it was an AA variant and then it is a possibility…
I’ve seen some gameplay and yes I know how different it is. Though I didn’t think that Darkflow was considered a better team (considering… well a lot of flaws with Enlisted).
Definitely just one opinion. Though if it was just measured by available content; weapons, vehicles, cosmetics, events, etc…
Enlisted > HLL by a huge margin.
The advantage I hear HLL has over Enlisted often is that they have better immersion, sometimes a better community, and slower gameplay, which rn doesn’t sound too bad. But Enlisted has planes, better customization for loadouts, and a bit broader gameplay overall.
Exactly. One is very arcady and the other more of a sim. Apples to oranges.
Big fan of Tunisia and that whole campaign of the war. ANZACS!!! Would love for it to be expanded on.
loved Hamada in BF 5
as far as Maps, favourite after Moscow