Make all my ai squad pick up ammo when they need it from my ammo box and also use the med box when they need to (they use it automatically, I shouldn't need to go one by one to make them have one extra medkit)

also, make the ai squad change to sidearm when out of ammo in the main gun or sec gun or both when an enemy is at their face


What a great and reasonable suggestion.


I was already thinking about making this topic but I just didn’t find the time to do it but I’m glad someone else did

:heart: :parrot:

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All AI, including those in allied squads, could pick up medkits when in range of a medbox.

You cannot fill your free backpack slots with anything else, there’s only repair kits and those have no way to be picked up/replenished. So taking an extra medkit when you have the space is not a strategic decision, it is simply always better.

Good suggestions for once. Practical too. But the suggestion on ammo bearers somewhere is even more so. Because bots won’t make ammo boxes, and I get tired of running out of ammo.

[Make all my ai squad pick up ammo when they need it from my ammo box]

Ok, wow, i thought ai in squad had unlimited ammo, till you use it?

The pistol when in face, i prefer if they used there knife, lol


I dont have too much hope on it. They still didnt figure how proper ai should work

Ai already switch to their pistol or knife when out of ammo, but besides that I agree with the suggestion.