Make AA/Heavy machine guns mobile

right now, only anti-tank guns can be moved which seems silly, what if the crews could build then slowly move aa/an HMG over the battlefield, yes i know we would need a new model for the aa and HMG nest, but it could add a new dimension making the mg nest a weapon for attack as well as defense.


no thanks… i would even prefer fixed AT guns over the way they work now when they are built on slightly uneven terrain…


Yes for AA.

But no for HMG. Personally I’d leave them stationary and instead make MG nests movable (MGs build by engineers). This makes more sense imo.


It won’t be much useful for AA gun. The main reason of moving an anti tank gun now is because it has limited traverse angle. But for AA gun, it has 360 degree traverse and you can’t target ground anyway.
What is the point of slowly moving it over the battlefield?

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The most important thing is to make the MG nest have the same shooting boundary as the HMG nest.

HMGs sure, but AA? no. Most AA guns of the caliber we have would take your entire squad to move, and that’s over flat terrain.

No, HMGs are powerful but you gotta make some thoughts about where to build them. That’s the trade-off.
And btw, not even the moving AT guns are working, it’s a gamble whether they get stuck or not and they vibrate the whole time. So I would prefer them fixed.

I happen to have an AI squad at my disposal. What a lucky coincidence.

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And if a couple are dead, or they’re to retarded to actually carry out that order as is the case usually?

Nothing, it’s just an excuse.
You can already push AT gun solo and it weights about 1000kg.