For the people who don’t really care about rewards since they have everything unlocked or the don’t want to go above a specific BR and just want to enjoy the game.
I specifically like the Tunisia campaing a lot and it takes like 10-15 games to finally get in a Tunisia map.
This is made even worse since IF you finally get one, it’s most likely going to be a conquest or that god awful map Kahif cave village which in my opinion should be removed entirely.
If not completely guarantee a campaign, then just make an option like in War Thunder where players can like and dislike maps and even ban one entirely.
There is a preferred maps system being worked on, as mentioned in the dev’s last roadmap.
Oh no, we can’t do that, we don’t have enough players to allow our customers to actually give them some control of their game. DF needs for once to think about what the players want. It’s us that CHOOSE to play. It’s us that CHOOSE to buy BP weapons. It’s us that CHOOSE to pay for premium squads. It’s us that CHOOSE to pay for premium content, but lets not give us any choices.
It’s bad enough that the vast majority of games are not competitive. It’s bad enough that DF gives us bots that couldn’t fight their way out of a wet paper bag or even understand a basic command such as “STAY”, and which we’re forced to play with and against after half the people have deserted from the seal clubbing. But no, lets not give the paying customers any control of their gaming experience.
The bot rant is off topic, but is due to the last three games where my bots were about as worthless as a flushed turd.
You can’t have it both ways. DF has to optimise for short queues (it’s debatable if they aren’t overdoing it at this point, but thats a different thing) and that is in direct opposition to match quality. We already have so much “player choice” dirtbags can manipulate the matchmaker to pretty consistently secure uneven matches into their favour. Letting people be ultra specific with their selections will just mean almost every match you go into will be even more lopsided
a LOT of seal clubbing is from “player choice” to only queue for specific factions
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Lol. This is such a cop out. I would put money down that most people who are loyal to the game wouldn’t mind a couple minute longer wait time to get into a game that’s going to deliver a better playing experience.
This is why we need lobby balancing or SBMM
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Should’ve advocated for the preferred map system my guy. Being able to choose or manipulate to get the maps you want, that ship’s sailed buddy
Anyone else realize this is the only game in the history of gaming that uses this excuse to avoid making changes? I remember it being kind of relevant back before the merge when we only had 2 campaigns, but its been 3 years since then. Why are we still using this as a buffer against improving the game??
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My thought has been that since so many people desert anyway, we’re playing against more and more bots so their excuse that they don’t have enough players is kind of lame. Does it really matter if we start off with bots or finish with them? We get them anyway so they might as well give the people what they want.
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it could help
But how do you balance lobbies if dirtbags could do:
group up as 4
pick 1 faction only
pick one BR only
pick very few maps
and on top of that insta leave any match they don’t like with no repercussions
I am biased, because I’ll usually just play whatever. I might be completely wrong, but I have a feeling people would end up having more fun if they could make a billion lineups for each map/faction/br combination and just always get random one…with the caveat EVERYONE is getting random ones and there is no stacking. All XP is global, to not make people feel like they are missing out by randoming an already unlocked faction
We could go back to have more historically reasonable loadouts for each location/period and you’d get a chance to use all those cool weird funky mid-tier weapons each tech tree is full of, without being ran over by meta slaves. Subfactions would no longer split the population. No more time travellers or lost eastern fron Italians
Lobby balancing would literally help with all of this. It literally means to balance the lobby. Most players leave a match due to severely unbalanced teams than anything else. This change alone would keep players from wanting to quit. As far as stacks go, they either get matched up against another stack, and/or have opposing players with similar skill/rank.
I’m pretty sure people are misunderstanding the preferred maps system. Most games that implement a feature will give the players a choice of maps to pick AFTER the match has been put together, and the map with the most votes gets played.
I don’t know how Enlisted operates as far as people wanting to play in stacks with friends or other good players, but that should only be allowed in custom matches IMOP. Like I said, I don’t know what the general practice is since I never play with anyone, always just load and play myself. But, if stacked groups are allowed to play in the general matches at this time then I think DF should end that placing them in custom matches.