Maintain the Tunisian campaign

for the maps of tunisia let only the italians and english clash

What about the allies? Who will italy and germany fight against?

The aliens from space


But, didn’t aliens work with n@zis? Or did the history channel lie to me?


i thought the lizard fought in tunisia agaisnt german

the Americans and the Germans are already used and present to a large extent in the other maps and campaigns. I don’t see the reason to add them here too. With the advent of the fusion, the Italians and the English will end up disappearing, at least so those who like to use them will have a way to do so. still do

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sorry, I now realize that I was wrong​:joy::joy::joy:I meant Italians against English

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Lol the title is maintain the Tunisian campaign, but your suggestion literally changing the Tunisia campaign by removing US and Germany in Tunisia.


I’ll explain, being Italian I’m sorry that I can no longer use Italian teams after the merger (apart from the premium Flamieri and the paratroopers) because it’s obvious that in their place I will choose German teams with superior armaments (I have 10 teams per campaign) therefore observing that the Germany and the United States are in all the other campaigns. I thought (personal opinion) of posting this thought of mine. The same goes for English people who want to play with their nation. Moral of the story, make Tunisia apart just as the Japanese will be against the (Americans for the umpteenth time)

fight Vulcan Roman god of the forge and mt Vesuvius

Troops watch the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius, 1944.

“U.S. Army Military Policemen toasting bread over molten lava from Mount Vesuvius on the Gulf of Naples, Italy. The volcano’s spectacular eruption, which began on March 18, 1944, would be its last of the twentieth century.”

Allied B-25s of the US 340th Bombardment Group were stationed almost at the foot of the volcano. Over 80 planes were destroyed by the ash fall from the eruption, with Vesuvius taking out more B-25s than a German air raid later in the year.

Im all for Italians fighting along side Germany in a realistic manner ofcourse, but I don’t see why removing Germany and USA from Africa would be good.
I believe that the real solution is letting players choose the nationality of their squads.

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because they would be the only possibilities to use these factions besides the fact that you will no longer be able to play in Tunisia since no one will put Tunisian teams in the slots and consequently the Tunisian maps will disappear

That is true, though we could see Italians in Stalingrad and Moscow maps.
Italians wearing German uniforms in Normandy and Berlin maps.

I only want Italians in Stalingrad and Tunisia. I don’t want to see Italian paratroopers defending the Atlantic Wall

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Every real history buff knows that the real reason the Nazis build the moon base was in fact to ward off an alien invasion.

Sadly, they were defeated by the allied coalition during the great moon battle of 1946.

Since then, we praise our alien overlords. Praise them!


More footage needed to implement it into enlisted.

It’s a shame it blew so late. Imagine how cool it would be to see fighting in italian villages and towns with that black dust and debris covering the streets

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