Madsen in BR III USSR Paratroopers should be changed to DP-27

The Madsen is a (pretty awful in my experience) BR II Machine gun that Ideally shouldn’t be given to paratroopers, especially seeing as the supply crate says BR III
The DP-27 would be a far better option seeing as:

  • It’s BR III
  • Is not useless (Unlike the Madsen)
  • Can actually be used as an “Assault” weapon

Because you are dropping as BR2 so you get BR2 MG? Seems reasonable here

You know what’s unreasonable? A BR1 gun dropping at BR4 match with BR2 crate, yeah the OG43 italian paratroopers are meme at this point


yea dont know why they use the madsen instead of dp27

I’m more disappointed that they gave the PTRS 41 as their AT launcher than anything. That rifle is basically BR1 but you only ever fight Panzer IVs and other nations have much stronger AT.

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Premium para squad gets DP-27, SVT-38 sniper and pzf. 60 for BR 2, straight up pay to win.

Getting the Madsen while playing BR 3 is just stupid, I guess DF is too lazy to add more than 2 crate presets.

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PTRS can still pen the side( where you can just drop to) and even more than the axis low BR paras.

Nah PTRD is BR1, I mean the good side, is not focking PzB 38/39 or Boys ATR, cuz those actually suck 4ss