M9 Bazooka is foldable

Apparently, M9 Bazooka can be folded.
Devs, let’s fold the M9 Bazooka that the soldiers are carrying on their backs and make it compact.
As it is now, they should have a hard time getting through the door.


Would also make it easier to carry, meaning stamina penalty should be smaller

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there is no stamina penalty when you dont have it equipped.

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so, 10sec un/folding animation every time you switch to it and back to rifle?

can place it and other long launchers like that across the back for it to look less awkward. it will clip through some backpacks ofc but yeah

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There is. Weight of your equipment decreases your max stamina / increases stamina consumption. Though it can be fully bypassed by the flask.
At least that’s how it worked when I tested it like a year or two ago. There wasn’t any mention of changing this in the devblogs but I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a bug that disabled it.

But that mean I have to sit through an “assemble weapon” animation every time I equip the M9 Bazooka.

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Just like you equip a gasmask every time you use ovenrohr or you unfold the stock of your SMG when you leave the vehicle or… oh, wait.

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Just what i thought, this would make it slower to use…

There’s no speed penalty*
You still drain stamina faster

and if weight is factor for stamina, making it foldable or not doesnt matter cause weight remains the same.

They could add a modifier to reduce the effect the weight has on it

Yes, it would be gorgeous to have.

In my opinion, all launchers should be given a few seconds of animation to switch weapons.
The current situation where you can switch from rifle to launcher in an instant is too arcade-like.
In Enlisted you need to use the launcher more tactically, it doesn’t need to behave like Battlefield or Fortnite.
When using a launcher, there is a few seconds of preparation animation and you have to run with it in your arms if necessary.
Also, the M1 and M9 bazooka currently cannot be run with in the hand, but it should be able to run because it makes no sense that it can run when it is on the back but not when it is in the hand.
It would be great if you could temporarily pull out your pistol and use it without switching weapons like in CoD.

I would not mind a slower paced game, but its gotta be in everything then, not just the bazooka.

  • if we go down that road :

Setting up mines should also take some time ect.

Switching seat in a tank and sticking your head out as commander (open the hatch ect.) should prob also take more time.

Reloading a gun ? - im not sure what realistic
Reloading a Cannon ?
Building engineer stuff?
Landing with a parachute ?

And prob a ton of other stuff…

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They’d be less of a target with that long zook acting like a big antenna or sign “shoot me, I’m here!” While trying to hide in a bush or something.

I’m for the suggestion.

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