M22 Light tank Locust

M22 Light Tank.

Airborn light tank USA.

It is the size of Panzer 1.

You can call it micro sherman or mini sherman.

Specifications :

weight 7.4 tonnes

length 3.94m

width 2.16m

height 1.85m

armor layout around 9.5mm ~ 12.5mm

Weaponry :

37mm M6 cannon 50 rounds

7.62mm Browning M1919A4 LMG gun 2,500 rounds

Mobility :

Engine Lycoming O-435T 6-cylinder horizontally opposed gasoline 165-horsepower (123 kW)

Power weight ratio is 25.81 hp/ton

SuspensionVertical volute spring suspension (VVSS)

Maximum speed 64 km/h



When it’s released, it needs to come out as a premium vehicle.

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all good so far, but the tank never saw action.
outside that,

how would you use it,

and in which campaign?.

all the tanks that were made DID see action but perfromed poorly as most were disable on the landing


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looks like a " batch " of locust has been used during 1945 by british forces.

although it did not performed well.

( dunno why i had to use vpn to seek informations about it because all the records that appeared on my face were " tank bad. never saw combat ". )

doesn’t change the fact that the only enivorement the locust “”“could”"" shine, is tunisia.

even there though, well, i don’t know.

and yes this one had seen combat as well but it was Scuttled after it ran out of fuel on RTB

its not that it did not profrom well, it was more or less a early war tank that was used in the later stages of the war

well yeah, a 37 mm struggles alot with late war tanks.

also it did not have rolled homogeneous armour

Lol no.
Didnt even left the test phase. The Germans (tried to) destroyed them before the Soviet reached Kummersdorf. Those “rumors” are a joke,

As you said, it saw combat in '45 with British 6th Airborne division. But it did saw combat after war, iirc Egypt used some of there when they attacked Israel in 1948.
Its even on wikipedia:

well, thanks for the history lesson but still, did not served up until the 1945.

time travelers again?

eh… m24s and jumbos doesn’t care anymore.

still, where would you put this tank.

Hey, i didnt said i want it in Tunisia, if something should be there, it is Tetrarch.

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i mean, could work as tunisia premium.

( not when pz IVs IIIS start rolling, but. )

Sorry, didnt seen second question, well, if Locust should be added somewhere, it would be '45 campaign of crossing the Rhine.

Yeah, why not, it would be just smaller A13.

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Tetrach would be more appropriate.

But all of them were completely useless…

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How cool. I never knew this existed.

It would be almost completely useless ingame though.

They wouldn’t be worse than the 2 starter tanks Brits have right now. I’d love that tiny cute thing. A sidegrade eventually, maybe?

one was made fully and the hull and turret for the 2nd was also made but not delivered and while RTB’ing with the complete one from the factory that was suppose to serve as a trail area it was attacked, they drove off with it using it, but then it ran out of fuel