M2 Carbine vs. Fw-190 A-8

First I thought this was a proper kill :dart:
But the replay showed that the pilot jumped out as I hit his plane, giving me the plane kill.
Still looks nice.


Not the seat of the plane clipping through the pilots neck in the last photo :skull_and_crossbones:


It’s weird because I hit the plane and the pilot jumps out alive.
Killfeed on the right gives me only the plane kill (seems correct).
But the killfeed in the middle gives me:
-double kill (didnt happen, only one plane kill)
-2x submachine kill (didnt happen and my AI’s have no smg so it must be me)
-headshot (didnt happen, I only hit the plane, not the pilot)
-it doesnt say who I am supposed to have shot dead with a smg in the head

So weird. Maybe replay system is having fun with me again…
Replay shows enemy pilot jumped out and survived.
I dont understand this kill. :thinking: