M2 Carbine to Assault

Finally someone gets it

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So one of the worst people to play against. Lol

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yep :laughing:
and i know all the maps like they were my house.

i only play BR2 cause of bolties.
only play rifleman now.

i assault points with them
that is my playstyle.

poor noobies :cry:
i see one of their rallys and i leave it be.
if they are struggling.

i want a DEFENSE timer for people to build defenses rallys and everything needed
cause i hate snowballing and getting snowballed.

short matches SUCK

100 round mg in br 3? Hell no. Also then usa wouldnt have any br 5 mgs if a6 gets moved

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BR should be REMOVED. :neutral_face:

That would just make the whole merge pointless. Also it would be unbalanced as hell


look there is only 3 BR in practice i think :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
BR 1-2-3
BR 3-4-5.

the one without bipod should, buff it so it can be compared to other SF rifles and make it replace the fairy T20 rifle