M1A1 Paratrooper Carbine

Let’s just get into the semantics
The M1A1 Carbine was a lighter and more compact revision of the original M1 Carbine platform, favored by Tankers and Paratrooper squads

The rifle saw widespread use in the American Army, being widely praised for its lightweight reliability and quick action.

Inland Manufacturing producted over 150,000 rifles between the years 1942 and 1944, and in those years and the years after its cemented itself as an oddly beautiful creation of an already existing firearm.

The weapon has become iconic in video games such as Call Of Duty and Battlefield Hardline, and in my opinion is one of the most strikingly handsome rifles of the era. I think it would be a great addition to the already expansive game, adding realism and a ton of visual appeal to an already great game.

I think a fun feature to add would be the ability to fold the stock in and out, giving the player a faster running speed while folded, but with the drawback of lessened accuracy


If you are suggesting to add it the gun Is already used on the event paramarine squad


It should be a research item, maybe BRIV


Is BR2


It should still be in the regular game tho! Its so boring without it


Literally nothing about this makes sense.


It’s literally just M1 carbine. But with slight artificial change to its stats.

You basically can’t tell difference between m1 carbine and m1a1 carbine when playing those weapons.


In game or are you just saying?

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ye and a better skin for m1 carbine but as other have already said it already exist
only for the para event squad.

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I would much rather see an M2 with foldable stock then the M1.


it was a gold order weapon i have one
it can be used on assaulter squads.


Either needs to come back or be added to reaearch tab

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they have different sights. :slightly_smiling_face:

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i agree

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Not that much different.

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From the clips I’ve seen I think the upgraded sights would add more accuracy to the rifle

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That’s possible, if you would be more comfortable with them. I primarily played those weapons before the camera for their sights was changed. So I can’t have a legitimate opinion on it now.
But from my experience, I’d guess that both guns still have pretty below average sights in terms of comfortability.
All in all, I don’t think there’s much to be hyped on. And there are far more fun guns to play with.

Plus my opinion is that once something has been event reward. Then it should retain its exclusivity. And that the second opportunity to get these things shouldn’t be easier than it was for the first chance.

I just don’t want to see event stuff being added to tech tree. Completely screwing up participants of past events.

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I juat think that a weapon like that should automatically be available for troops. I dont understand the exclusivity in the first place, I think it should’ve been in the research tab when it was added, but I also understand wanting to have a incentive to participate in such events.

This thread probably wont lead to much, but it would be great to use the M1A1 Carbine in modern Enlisted

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Well, I would love to see event weapons and premiums to be removable from their original squads and then having option to resue those weapons for different squads.
We already have several premium and event squads without binded weapons to them.
(But I kinda doubt that’s even possible because of spaghetti code)

It would solve all the issues, especially if there would be repeated chances to get old stuff to some extent.

But as I have said. I think the exclusivity matters. And there’s more than enough of free non-exlusive content in the game.


i would not mind

i dont use paras for example
and new people cant get past events squads.

well, it’s already in the game.

chances of being in the TT are fairly low because it’s part of the m1a1 paratrooper marine event squad.

however, we could use the 1944 pacific varient ( a hidden version in the editor ):

the m1a2 carbine.

which it’s similar to the airborne version, but has a fully stock:

a better model though.

but it’s practically the same as the base one.

perhaps… better sight?

i wouldn’t say not to this being in the folder of the m1 carbine.

but again, due to… not being that different to the basic one that exist… chances of being implemented are slim too…