M1941 Johnson LMG

Please add it. Maybe for the Pacific Campaign

Edit- Changed M1941 Johnson rifle to lmg because apparently they already added the rifle.


It’s currently a premium squad weapon, but I definitely want it in the tech tree. I guess it’ll come eventually.


They should add the LMG then too

what would be the point of the premium squad then.

They can add it to a different campaign if they add the pacific front

We already have a few premium squads using weapons literally or practically identical to options for non-premium squads


yeah like an italian SMG. Jihnson as a tree weapon would be neat in a pacific campaign

I really think we should get the M1941 Johnson LMG too, because the Germs can get FG-42’s and it might be necessary to have this for Tunisia (unless they were never used there).

It was used in a similar role to fg, US paratroopers used them as well. It also has select fire capabilities.

exactly it shouldn’t be premium at all should have put something in its place

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“I want everything for free” :frowning:
Yeah I know your stance already buddy.

that’s not what i said. there’s other stuff they could have added for the premium slot
while putting the Johnson riffle in the tech tree put a captured weapon in its place for premium. i don’t care if its free just want more American stuff in the tree i don’t mind the bren or the sten, lanchester but for top tier it would be nice to have American stuff

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