M1903A4 Sniper is a DOWNGRADE on the M1903A3- wtf?!

So picture one shows the sniper rifle on pacific which ive used for months now
M1903A3 which even without upgrading it, is pretty decent

Im almost at campaign level 18 which ive grinded my ass off to get to
and woopty doo, my upcoming supposed reward is the upgraded M1903A4 sniper rifle. see next post

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screenshot of my updated reward

how the hell is this a reward for a thousand hours of grinding my ass off in battle

A4 sights just kill it for me, even though Lee Enfield (T) has similar pattern and yet it’s my favourite sniper rifle in game

Not all later level unlocks are direct upgrades, take the FNAB and MP40 for example

i don’t think you should have used FNAB as an example, since that is lvl 5 normandy (premium in tunisia) while MP40 is a lvl 9 unlock in normandy

wait, oh yeah
FNAB is still a downgrade compared to the MP34(o) though

I wish they’d give us an iron sight version of the a3 so I can use it for other soldiers, it’s the only Springfield variant in the game with the upgraded rear sights and it’s a shame to waste them on a sniper rifle.

what message is this sending out though
you grind your ass off in game for what?
how does that make sense!

Some folks point out that MP38 is better than MP40 in Moscow…
Similar to the K98 sniper and gewehr 98 - the latter has a worse magnification scope.

Frankly, the newer unlock weapons are overrated in some cases.
Not sure if it is a miscalculation on the devs part or something else.

so is this a mistake?

I don’t know who’s mistake it is.
I guess one could try to make a bug report that later unlockable equipment is inferior to the earlier.
If mods close that down and possibly add a statement that this is intended, at least we get a clear answer. Mistake is on the player side, then.

I’m guessing the mods won’t respond, and let us make of it what we will.