LVTA1 needs its rear gunners added to the squad

The LVTA1 is a premium squad meaning I had to waste money on it, which is how it truly feels as is currently. Yes it is amphibious but seeing how there are very few maps where you can actually use this, considering that even in those maps how little benefit you can use this ability too also. I believe the rear gunners are its most unique asset followed by it’s paint job, you have an LVT APC that has not gunners, the tank itself says crew of 6 but only gets 4, the Ka-Chi gets all 7 crew members. Who wants to waste an infantry squad equipping themselves or their bots on a light tank that due to an increase in Anti-Tank weaponry has become very easy to kill. Despite the fact the tank is no longer exclusive to Japan but now playable in Normandy and Tunisia. Pleas give us who have spent money on this tank the extra 2 crew members, to me it’s not even worth using without them, I’d rather bring in a normal light tank like the M3 Stuart just because no one wants to hop in these machine guns as it usually is a quick death sentence, I would use it more if I had the gunner myself so I didn’t have to rely on another player to use it


Couldn’t agree more


its pretty much a just a vehicle for fun only. You should have checked the stats or talked with people here on LVTA1 if you really want to pay for money worth the competition and not just for fun. So yeah if you think its a waste, that is on you sadly.

But superior alternative to LVTA1 is getting LVT4 with 5 extra bucks since the unique side of the tank is that the AI does all the shooting with mgs for you while you just cruise around.

If you really want competitive type tank that can help you in long run, then get the churchill 3 because there is this type of shit here that can save your life in long run:

Also its 57mm canon is pretty good for a BR 3 heavy tank that can deal all panzers except the panther which is tricky as you need 3 shots on mg area to kill 3 people or side cheek for turret damage.

If you want you can get calliope to just be a lazy HE spammer. Sometimes can kill few tanks.

So yeah other than the churchill 3, and Calliope, I don’t really recommend any other tanks for competitive purposes for the allies tree.

Yeah I agree with you

I bought it when it first came out as the pacific bundle, I also got the usmc Thompson squad and Ka-Chi as well as the type 1 assault squad, been playing 3 years bud there wasn’t an alternative at the time, you act like it’s nothing something they could do about it, but they still have it on the premium list but I don’t know how they expect anyone to buy it as is, it’s probably the most key feature of it but you have to rely on another player to complete the set

It’s more of something I think they should add because I believe it’s an incomplete feature but they still try and sell it, while like you said any of us veteran players steer new players away from it, but if they added the 2 gunners then it would actually be somewhat worth it, especially for people who like playing Br 2

Well just hope they fix it because it is really a pain to just get 4 crew member only instead of 6. Good I didn’t buy the bundle because I would rather stick with Germany and Soviet Union.

Well adding 2 extra gunners or buffing LVTA1 or not, majority of newbies still not gonna buy that instead they will buy paratroopers from all factions because currently they are best to bully low tier newbies and easy win troop.

just map the seat 5 and 6 and you can use the rear turrets idk why you would want too they are super exposed

So is the tank, adding them would literally cost you nothing, not even make you much more dangerous, but then it would be complete

the new transport LVT also comes with gunners so why not add 2 soldiers for the one with the 37mm cannon so its gonna have some protection against infantry.

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Exactly, I can’t see any logic behind it