Lower the XP requirements for legacy squads

I just noticed that the new squads added after the merge only require a really small amount of experience to level up.
It levels up in an instant and you can unlock the squad’s skills.
Assault Trooper IV is only 1800 points to reach the next level. It will go up 2-3 in one match. This is great.

I want to level up my sniper and mortar squads which I have not used at all. However, it is ridiculous that those legacy squads require “18,000 points to the next level”.
Why don’t you lower the experience requirement for legacy squads?
I didn’t realize this until now because I was only using legacy squads that were fully grown. I wish all squads were like this.


Exactly. For the soviet tier 3 riflemen the xp requirement from 1 to 2 is 14000 something. It is clearly designed for the pre merge Stalingrad campaign (400%xp boost) and currently the grind is a pain in the arse just to get an engineer into the squad.



I don’t think it was intended, please don’t make new squads as grindy as old ones, for new player’s sake… Don’t give them ideas :zipper_mouth_face:


Yes, it really needs a legacy squad overhaul.
We want to build a team for each BR, so we need to train lots of squads.

So you are saying that the Devs who saw this POST will not lower the XP requirement for the legacy squads, but will raise the XP requirement for the new squads?
No way, I don’t think even Darkflow would be that vicious…right?


Grind up those new squads quickly! If I had to guess, the next time we see any sort of update downloading those XP requirements will go up.

I hope I’m wrong but am a realist.


Tbh I wouldn’t even be surprised if darkflow actually does this. All the complains after the merge, all the AI pathfinding bugs, all the balancing issues flooding the forum and all they do is keep adding events and selling 3A game priced premium squads. The game is looking like a cash grab at this moment and if they do increase the xp on the new squads I’ll simply quit. Time and money is better spent with someone you love.

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No doubt about that!

That said, I think that squad upgrades back to where they were would not be shocking. I think it would be unnecessarily and unwelcome so given other issues at this moment they may be well advised to leave it where it is. Lets hope!

What do you think?

Is it normal I got 9 squad upgrade points… for the last Japanese FIGHTER pilot squad… in ONE match… When the enemy DID NOT call air strikes? (it’s crazy, the p38 is a decent fighter, but the pilots using it… not so much)

Most of us already knew… Devs are bound to correct it and put back normal… extremely grindy, xp rates for end game squads.

Especially with this kind of post. (I should change my profile pic to Anakin meme)



Low XP for new squad is a bug. They will fix this bug and raise the XP requirement for the new squads. Like they always do. Because before update, Assault Trooper 3 needs 18000xp to level up. It hasn’t changed.

Thanks for speeding up the process of existing player friendly bug fixs.


Always someone to spoil things lmao


OK, I have maximized the level of my Assault IV before they realized it.

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But you may or may not have ruined the chances of other people.


It is none of my business.

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Yep none of my business after pointing to it. Let’s keep it to that. People always gets screwed over in enlisted.

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Maybe you can delete this post to delay fix before devs see it.


Yes pls. Still got too many squads to grind.

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“This is why we can’t have nice things”…


the AT gunner just in II need 19640 in level3-4

The real problem is legacy squads XP requirement is way too absurd. Not the new squads too easy to level up.

Games for fun not for self torture or masochism. The high tier squads usually needs 5-6 matches per level. And playing without AT and ENG is an absolute nightmare. Not to mention those squads are usually late game and an incomplete squad will absolutely get destroyed in BRV. If you love grinding your ass off just for a complete functioning squad, fine. But this is NOT okay.

Today one level probably cost 19k, then what about the new squads? If we keep tolerance these ridiculous XP requirements then the devs will only keep pushing our limits. Good luck when every tier5/6 squad cost 50k per level. And by then remember, you asked for this

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