I’ve been browsing the shop and noticed this squad being classified as BR IV vehicle. Now I do not own the premium squad, however sharing my honest opinion, that thing should go a BR lower.
It is a glass cannon designed for long range engagements, but since it is restricted to BR III-V the most range it could get is Normandy/Bulge since all vs Soviet maps (Rzhev might be the only suitable) are CQC urban oriented, where this thing is a death sentence. Moscow and Tunisia would suit it much better and allow it to perform as it should.
Lowering its BR would not cause problems since even a basic AT rifle or HMG can go through it with ease and being open top, it would attract planes like flies if spotted. Not even tanks would have problem with it due to just switching to HE, if they are not one-shotted beforehand.
It would serve as a nice AT gap filler for BR III loadout since in BR I-III it could deal with any tanks and even if uptiered to BR III - V it could still go toe to toe with most armor.
Another thing to add, since it is a Flak 88, it could serve as a heavy AA with proximity fuze HE. Sure it would most likely get slapped by planes in return, but at least it could do more than just AT and lob HE from a distance at a building or an area.
Also I know there is the Dicker Max at BR III already, but in comparison, while this thing may struggle with positioning and armor, it does have the advantage of reload over Dicker, meaning switching between HE and AP is a possibility as well as the suggested option to go AA with proximity HE.
The current HE-TF does not function yet so it just a normal HE shell currently so if you want to guarantee aircraft kill using AP is probably better
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The only difference afaik is that the HE-TF gets a lead indicator for plane. And getting a different APCBC compared to the Tiger 1 88
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Is that supposed to be the shell with proximity? Well then making it work would certainly be appreciated. I do not know how many have bought this squad, but making the squad at least semi-flexible and useful might go a long way for it.
Especially since it is the only currently fieldable gun capable of both AA and AT.
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Well currently I know at least 1 guy have bought it. I would buy it but not rn
Exactly, as of now it is basically useless and heavily outperformed. Like I can have a Panther at the same BR, that thing is 10 times more survivable and easier to use.
I do not really wish to see things getting added into the game just for them to catch dust as they are shelved due to not being ever used.
- Slow.
- Huuuuge
- gun has NO depreciation, even on the side (difficult to allign ground targets)
- has no defense armament (mg)
- is open. Don’t even need tnt to take it out (crew)
- Is not even functional (He-tf doesn’t work)
- cannot reverse from a corner to expose the vehicle less: vulnerable ammo rack is on the back
- is a prey… to it’s natural prey: planes can take it out by strafing with regular mg fire
- is extremely overpriced
- is arguably worse than Dicker Max at br 3 due to it’s size yet is overtiered.
Even at 50% off, I’m not sure I’d get it at br 4.
Thanks for listing everything, however that exactly is the reason I want it moving down into BR III. It just does not get to perform on the tier it is at atm.
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Uh, why did I write “gor”… coffee not working…
I thought it was br 4? It got lowered?
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no you are right. Im just saying it “really is a BR 3”…just at BR 4
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darkflow just needs to make the HE-TF actually like, explode in the air, and maybe i’ll consider buying the thing
i dont need a tiger 1 with no armor
Here is my suggestion for 88 Flak (i bought it):
→ Let it be on BR IV
→ Improve HE-TF Ammo
→ make it possible to shoot straight before your own truck, while the ankle actually dont allows it
→ and maybe a bit more tower rotating speed would be nice (realistic, it should be much more faster than a more than a tank tower)
Why keep it on BR IV, when you already have a Tiger I E there? The thing does pretty much the same thing with much more survivability and anti-inf efficiency.
Sure making the HE-TF work would allow it to perform AA, meaning more flexibility, but given we already have updates promising stronger AA/AT for infantry, there is not real reason to bother with using a Flak 37 when you can use Flakvierling 38 (the 4x20 mm AA that used to be in-game at the start for AA and is rumoured to return for higher BRs).
As for turret rotation speed, I can not say, since unless you buy it, you can not view further details. How much does it have now?
For sure Tiger has a bether armour, but 8,8 should in exchange for lower armour hit harder and furthermore be able to stop planes more effcient than normal AA Guns, espacialy more turret rtoatin speed would help against planes + HETF (Tiger is a Tank, 8,8 should be a glass canon)
Yeah, but still. Map rotation is heavily not in favor for this to vehicle to ever perform. Like I said, against Soviets you get Urban CQC maps which are a death wish for anyone picking the vehicle there.
The only exception is Normandy and Bulge maps against Allies, but due to said matchup the presence
of Airforce is bound to be plentiful and facing a P-47 with HVAR rockets in this is a one way trip to the grave, even if you manage to down it, due to them firing the rockets anyway and dodging them is not exactly possible.
Due to that I believe taking it to BR III where it can go both up and down is the best solution increase its usefulness as a pick and not being obscured by clearly superior vehicles at its own BR. BR I-III are more open and less urban allowing for range engagements more befitting this vehicle. Plus facing this BR it could actually live up to the fear of 88 mm since no tank at that BR can even attempt to survive a head-on encounter, unlike at BR IV and V, where tanks are capable of doing so.
Well, mapopeness is a good point indeed wich would favour 8,8 in BR III but i think if we get few adjustments it would be fine with BR IV and V Maps, trust me its possible i played with it you get the most tanks down but you have no chance against planes right now, also its frustrationg little explosive radius against inf (historicaly all 12 pieces of SF 39 where used 1943-1945 in Italy)
→ Bether rotating ankles (also for fighting down hills such as in normandy, without using unrealistic parking positions along the hillside), more rotating and maybe also more driving speed (cheked both, its actually slower than a tiger I and tiger II wich for me sound unrealistic) moreover
→ Working HE-TF wich explodes maybe in bigger sourroundig areas and before it hits the targetet plane (even P-47 wouldnt be a problem than)
→ Its okay to lack armour if it dominates in shootingspeed and damage (we got flak 39 here wich should be longer and deal more damage and got bigger explosive radiusthan the flak/kwk 36 of the Tiger)
→ 8,8 should be the sniper under the german tanks, @gaijin team give the 8,8 the matching stats to its notorious image please!