Lower BR ZH29 4>3

Well, that might be important to most, but … well… hehe, I have no key assigned to “melee”. I haven’t used melee for over a year now.

I know, I’m kinda retarded.

Melee is less important. The more important is added mobility thanks to bayonet charge.

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The guy who follows the dataminer’s notes religiously.


“I was correct in asserting that that a person with a fever is sick, but don’t know what they were sick of.”

Well swords still work for me, selecting it and pressing left mouse button still lets you charge - guess I am not retarded after all.

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I have no idea what you’re trying to proof.

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Nothing against you bro, but just saying " I am right because I am often" isn’t enough for me, after all he might say the same.

Fret not, I’m sure Euthy enjoys every time I make a funni mistake because it’s an excuse to trim my ego.


“Oh, the ZH is too bad for high BR; there’s no way I’m gonna equip it. Pls make it BR III so I can use it (when I got down tiered against (new) players with starter equipment)”

You can’t possibly be serious ppl.

I could see G43 getting moved to BR3, but not ZH-29 that is very strong gun.
But IMO even G43 is perfectly fine on BR4, G41 could use a little buff but its adequate for BR3.

one of them is needed at rank 3 as a counterweight for SVT 38, I would like ZH29 for the reason that it is very beautiful in appearance, and was produced before the war + after the merger no one uses it at all, this step would give this weapon a second wind

The Russian community liked it despite their attitude towards Axis players

it’s better than the G43 because of faster reload, bayonet and the extra damage which helps a little against vitality or body armor users. Though that doesn’t change that BR IV is waste of resources and only “viable” for people that are progressing through the tech tree and want something new, but that is more a problem about the BR and MM system. What they could do is buff the G41 and SVT-38 to have the same damage as the Garand, i am tired of seeing white markers when i am fighting against the Soviet with my G41.

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ZH is not seeing use because of stupid MM, no one is using BR4 weapons.

ZH is one of the best semi autos, it doesn’t need to be lowered to 3
It’s more of an issue of how the mm currently is


it is possible to further lower the BR G43

Melee is really important. You can charge quickly to build a rally point and you are very likely to get atleast 1 extra kill in close quarters

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got plenty of melee kill in pacific and in niche situation when i ran out of ammo

Wut? I just said bayonet charge is more important than ability to insta kill with melee. Nothing else.


And i agree with you.


Personally the ZH 29 is pretty bad because its recoil jumps left and right, I would still use G43 because the Recoil only goes up, or Breda PG which has 20rnd mag