Low frame rate after update

Hello developers, I am an Intel integrated graphics player and I am a big fan of Enlisted. However, after the update to the Hlerf version, I have encountered some issues: In the lobby, my refresh rate is very low, sometimes even as low as 0.3, and I used to suspect that it was a problem with my own graphics card. But I can run War Thunder smoothly, so I think it’s a problem with Enlisted itself. Similar issues also existed in previous updates, but you successfully fixed them. I believe you can also fix it this time, okay?


Hello please try submitting a report to Community Bug Reporting System

And contact https://support.gaijin.net/hc/en-us/categories/201791325-Enlisted as they might pinpoint your issue

There is a bug preventing Enlisted from utilizing Intel integrated GPU properly. I’m not sure if it’s fixed though.