Lost connection - Story of my life

Screenshot 2025-01-30 190018

I play this on a laptop with excellent connection speeds (fiber) but still - is there a better way? Does it help to eliminate this issue?

Do my stats suffer because of this? I was having an epic game (for me)… and then all of a sudden, “Lost Connection” :frowning:

If you have good internet, the best answer other then try a different server

would be some random weirdo with a mod menu in a f2p game with too much time on their hands.

They have option to kick players.

It just sounds like a modder that seen you doing good and booting you from game.

Hopefully, it was just a drop connection.

Are you running off wifi? If your fibre speeds and connection are fine, it could be an issue with wifi.

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It very well could be their wifi. I didn’t think of it because they only said fiber.

I would often use cable when I would game on my old laptop.

Wifi has a habit of losing packets especially on an laptop.

I get network and connection failures at times here in the Philippines, along with the power going out so I sympathize with your pain. My system deserts me from a dozen games a year because of network, internet or power going off while playing. One of my best games…EVER was for not because the power went off on the final cap point with the clock ticking down. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: