Looking into Players Botting

Preface: If I recall correctly, Enlisted got rid of bots filling in for players in the Squads game mode, and the feature is only active in Lone Fighter now. (Correct me if I’m wrong though, as this is the assumption for everything below.)

With that, I just wanted to suggest possibly looking into players potentially botting/using macros to AFK in the game.

Nearly every game I have played since Enlisted went into OBT, I have had 1-2 players start in a brand new game, get 0-1 kills, 0 to 1 deaths in the first minute, usually have no other metrics completed, and then finish with the exact same kill and death count they started with.

Assuming they aren’t bots filled in by Enlisted, I can’t see a logical reason behind it as the experience earned would be terrible. I also find it hard to believe that an actual player and their squad couldn’t get more than 1 kill per game. If they were truly that bad, they would also have more than 0-1 deaths per game.

These are just from the past 2 games where I began screenshotting it, noting that they were present from the start of the game and to the end, 17 and 18 minute games respectively.

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Note: I’m not definitively claiming that these are bots, I’m merely bringing it to the attention of the developers as it could be an avenue they look into further to ensure the integrity of the game. With how frequently it has been occurring, it is likely statistically impossible.

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No they didn’t get rid of bots in squads game mode. They typically come in to replace players that abandon the match. Those players with 0-1 kills are typically players that left at/near match start

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Ah okay, thanks for letting me know they’re still filling in with bots!

I’ve just noticed a lot more people leaving and their spot/name on team disappearing entirely without replacements so wasn’t entirely sure.

no, bots are not gone.

not in lone fighter mode, and neither squad mode. although, in the squad mode it’s rare to find them. but, notheless, sometimes are present.

if you have doubt about a player, just hold tab and than right click on the nickname. if the complain button appears, it’s player, if it doesn’t, it’s a bot.

well, despite being able to use macros, you do not earn anything as you are not capturing objects nor killing. so i hardly doubt it’s an issue.

but, they should be punished if they manage to get kicked.
( through the game, or complains )

For all of the people I screenshotted above, I was able to, and did complain/report after the match finished. So if that’s true about not being able to complain Enlisted bots, these accounts are actual players likely just botting, or trolling.

I agree completely, I only noticed it once OBT released which would make sense as the cost of entry was removed. I personally don’t see how it could be useful or efficient as they get about 30-60 xp/game.

The only thing I could think of would be people possibly trying to rig matches so they can play the other campaign and win easier as the enemy team would have less active players.


Squad mode is 10 vs 10 , when you have players on list 11-12 … etc with 0 stuff those are players that disconnected from match and someone else join in their place, because it’s possible to join ongoing battles .
Their name stay on Score Board list despite fact they left game.

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That’s logical, I play with Justyhead frequently and have been as skeptical as he is but it was odd, especially since it only seemed to happen with the Axis. We’re testing your theory today by taking screenshots at the beginning and end of the match.

If a player does leave and is no longer present, the obvious suggestion would be to grey their name in the tab menu as well the final menu so it is clear. Perhaps even mark the time the exited the match.

I know bots aren’t a thing in War Thunder and I’m hoping that if for whatever reason people are using them in any way, it gets quickly resolved.

We’ll update tonight. Thanks for the info.

its nearly a year later and this is still an issue. heres one I just spotted, and my running theory is that some players are creating alt/bot accounts to find rallies, especially allied players on berlin (which is where I notice it most, and I never really see it happen inverse, on the allied team.)

just saw another one, the guy was just standing at our spawns the entire game not moving. disconnected seconds before the match ended, I know because I spectated them at the end of the game, watched them just do nothing…