some people want LMG to be stationary weapons the HMG would have to follow
HMG’s would include.
RD -44
And DT-29, MG -15, MG -34, MG-42, Lewis Hun, 1918A1, 1918A2, 1918A6
We already have them ingame for engineer 2 squads and that isnt what is meant with stationary.
You mean M1919 because I doubt anyone would build a 20 mag tripod gun.
And RD-44? The gun hardly existed so I doubt the Russian made it tripod-compatible. Same goes to DT as it was primary a tank machine gun and the Soviet already have plently of HMGs and infantry GPMGs.
i mean if you’re carrying more then 30 rounds of rifle ammo, much less 60 to a hundred in a MG you are not firing that anything but prone, both the DT AND RD-44 are weapons in the game that can be shoulder fired, my bad on the 1918’s
Imo we should have 4 types of infantry MGs:
Automatic rifle - things like BAR, Chauchat, FG42 etc.
Guns firing full rifle cartridge in automatic mode. They are “heavy assault rifles”, more firepower in exchange for higher recoil and low magazine capacity. The most “run&gun” type of MG.
Mobility ++++
Firepower + -
LMGS - DP27, MG34, M1919A6 etc.
Heavier guns with more ammo and more capable for sustained fire. Can’t be ADSed, need to be mounted to be effective.
Mobility +++
Firepower ++ -
MMGs - current MG nests so Maxim, MG34 / MG42 on tripod, M1919 etc.
Squad weapon buildable by engineers. Can be moved by soldiers (similarly to AT gun but faster). Ofers a lot of firepower but needs to be deployed to fire at all.
Mobility ++
Firepower +++ -
HMGs - as they are now
12.7mm bullets for more damage and penetration. Too heavy to be moved.
Mobility +
Firepower ++++
Imo such clasification makes sense both in terms of realism and gameplay. Every type offers slightly different strenghts and weakneses so everyone can find one that suits his playstyle.
amazing you turned one weapon class into three and insured they would have to rebalance almost every Machine gun in the game aside from HMGs
Yes, amazing.
It’s almost as if different weapons have different characteristics and different purpose. Crazy idea, isn’t it.
the problem is then you have only a few of each class, what next automatic shot guns and break shotguns, oh well if it keeps up people will need a degree in enlisted
What is the problem to add more?
Last time I checked, ppl were demanding weapons to unlock.
They have different characteristics but the same purpose. So there is no need to split them.
But for example fighter planes and bombers have different purposes and they are split.
(We don’t talk about tanks. They are in a funny state.)
Then use weapons you understand. Or if somebody really can’t understand simple xy chart, maybe he should go play tic tac toe.
Games are about interaction. More mechanics and more advanced mechanics = more interaction.
I have toys in game so allow me to play with them.
Weapons like the BAR, Bren and FG42 share more similarities in their usage than they share with guns like MG42/34 and M1919 because they were built and design for different purposes. So yeah basicaly IRL you have a lot of different weapons that are part of the Machine Gun category but they are indeed quite different because they were designed to fulfill different roles on the battlefield. I don’t see any problem in dividing the maching gun weapons into different subcategories.
Btw the game already does that with portable LMG for the Gunner class, fixed LMG for the MG nest of the engineer squad and fixed HMG for the MG nest of the gunner squad.
Furthermore I don’t even understand the purpose of the original post as it is mention HMG (Heavy Machine Gun) but the provided name are only Light Machine guns.
I’m skeptical about splitting MGs into too many sub-classes.
AFAIK, the current ones in game already have different “soft” stats like ADS speed and recoil that can be adjusted to de facto create your suggested distinction between AR-style and MG-style guns, leaving the choice to players without the need to create separate classes.
Besides the need for properly working bipods, which is a must, I don’t think that a new class of MMG (fire only when deployed, can be moved) is necessary.
And incidentally, regardless of the kind of MG my gunners carry, if I find myself storming the point in CQC with plenty of enemies and the rest of my squad has limited firepower, I’ll eventually use my MG as a makeshift AR no matter what.
I totally agree with this, MG in game don’t need to have different explicit categories, but their stats and usage implicitly differentiate them into this categories like Automatic Rifles and Light and Multi purpose Machine guns.
Except it’s done in a lame way.
Like MoaR diSpErSioN!!!11!
The truth is i am having a fight with someone who wants the LMG to be put onto bipods to be more accurate to there role in WW2 in that case MMG and Heavy Machine guns should be on tripods, and anything that has 47 to a hundred FULL RIFLE rounds is not a LMG
By what definition?
DP27, MG34, MG42, M1919A6, M60, PK, MG3 all are LMGs or GPMGs and fit your description.