List of new maps which now could be added after the Merge!

Hello comrades!

As we already often saw, the devs of Enlisted are incredibly talented in creating absolutely beautiful maps. The new Ardennes maps once again proved how awesome potential map creation in Enlisted has.

With the merge, we could get so many different maps. With the current state of the game, i would be happier with new maps than futuristic experimental weapons of the late war. So for that, i gathered examples for important battles, which have a lot of potential to be added as uniquely detailed maps.

Brest Fortress:











And many more. What do you think?



maybe… add more stalingrad maps since we’ll be somewhat stuck there for quite a while?

at least it would make it more enjoyable.


Something that isn´t on the Eastern front? Like more stuff in the mediterranean. This is a WW2 game afterall, not a great patriotic war game.


Im still waiting for grain elevator.


True. Sure we could have another eastern front map set somewhere in 1943-44, but there are so many other locations that are barely represented in games.


best part, they don’t have to follow or be stricted with maps factions based considering that we have most of the major ones.


korea is also a viable option


Talking about this, I wish Darkflow had portrayed the vassal soldiers. Instead of Germans flying Romanian planes and using Hungarian, Austrian submachine guns. I don’t know if that’s what Darkflow is afraid of, because Latvia, where they are from, also collaborated with the Nazis in WWII, even keep been guerrillas in the forests after the war.

Kursk would be a disaster, with just a few penetrable wooden houses on the Great Plain, just two tanks for the Germans and Soviets, a 12-second load IS-2 that doesn’t always penetrate the King Tiger in one shot, and a default respawn point 200 metres away from the capture point, with nowhere suitable for building a respawn point.The team of seven is killed six by hiding snipers on their way to the capture point, and then arrives to find that only two players have actually attempted to capture it in a whole game. Players are sniping, and only two players on either side are actually trying to capture it in an entire game. It’s a disaster when you think about it.


let’s just stick with ww2. No need to add cold war when we still have a ton of fronts to cover

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I propose generic ww2 grain farm (with livestock to shoot at), generic ww2 small city and generic ww2 forest.


They could allow us to change nationality now that fanctions aren´t tied to specific theaters. If they still won´t anything like that my crackpot theory is that DF, similar to their puplisher Gaijin are filled with commiboos, like the ones we have here, that seethe at the fact fellow slavs would rather side with the nazis than them.

Realistic anwer being that they don´t want to hire more VAs and make new uniforms I guess.

Get like 25 xp for takin them out like air balloons💀


It has the voice of the French army in the editor, I don’t know why I wouldn’t want to do the Free French army into the game. Just because the French surrendered relatively quickly doesn’t mean they gave up the resistance.

There were Panther and Tigers there but not even T-34-85, let alone IS-1/2.

I would rather not have Kursk than “Darkflow’s ‘Kursk’”.

Or only for BR 1-3.

And as much as I want iconic battles, they are going to F them up with their BRs BS anyway.

So I would vote for “Eastern Front village” and “Pacific Ocean island” just for variety.

But if we’re talking iconic battles + variety – Konigsberg (Baltic Sea) or Sevastopol (Black Sea) would be awesome.

Battle of Manila described as the Stalingrad of the Pacific
These pics show the devastation of the battle aswell as some potential set pieces



The Syria-Lebanon campaign (Maybe throw anglo-Iraq war too)
DEZ1 - Edward Lengel

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What is with the battle of Dunkirk. So we could get something from the western front plus a battle that happen early in the war. And than adding the french army would match it perfect.