Lineups like in WarThunder?

Hello. I was wondering if it is possible to create/save lineups like in WarThunder?
I’ve seen multiple slots with like 5 presets, however I wasnt able to save my current lineup.
Am I stupid or is this feature not fully developed?
Thanks in advance.

We only have a half assed solution. If you change loadout of a single squad that is shared between multiple presets it will change it’s BR and old preset will be disrupted with different gear.


It is possible…

  1. Press the marked button.

2) Click on “squad setups” (I have no Idea what it’s called in english…sry)

3) Chose an empty spot and save your line up.
You can only use a unit ONE time in all your save files.
Give your saved setup names so it is easier for you to pick the needed one.

4) Now you can chose between your lineups. Click “select” but DON’T FORGET to save your other setup before!

5) Now you have the BRV line up you (maybe) saved before. You can switch frequently but PLS dont forget to save :joy:
As you can see every saved setup uses different units/squads.

I hope I could help.


Thank you man.
You helped a lot.

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