Limit the explosive pack

How about buff them back to be effective against vehicles like it used to be back in CBT?

Explosives are kinda useless nowadays.

All CoD’s I’ve ever played have cooking mechanics

really? i swear the grenade explode at the same time for example if i hold it for 4 sec it explode at 5 sec after throw and if i throw it immediately it still explode 5 sec after throw
idk why tbh maybe im just bad but it feel like it doesnt exist

When you’re not playing Hardcore, your crosshair tics with each second when you’re holding the grenade indicating the time passing

Of course this ONLY works with frags. 9 bangs, concussions, smokes, semtexes, flashbangs, and whatever else don’t have a cooker…well 9 bangs from Ghost have a cooker but that’s a different kind of cooker. But frags have like 5 seconds after you pull that pin. Whether you throw it or not

Thank you brother

My bad bro; when you said AT guns, I thought you were talking about Recoilless guns, not actual cannons.

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