Limit body armor USSR

You can keep your body armor just get rid of the 10% damage reduction and keep it as a cosmetic and do keep in mind whenever the player base shifts right back to the Soviets we’ll be having this conversation all over again.

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No don’t give in to the crybabies.

Just no. Seems to fly over your heads too, kids.

Don’t care if they added more armor. If it makes schizo noobs like you happy that there is no “unfair advantage” more the marrier. So we can stop listening to the bitching and moaning; well for the moment anyways…


People will use any excuse to cover up their skill issues in this game. These same people won’t acknowledge that all factions have different strengths and weaknesses. Want a good example? Soviet airpower is the weakest out of all the factions but you don’t hear soviet mains complaining.


I think limitation body armor to only USSR is good idea. I agree.

there is a lot of russian main crying too out there, for example this guy

Actually, soviet armor reduces your movement speed by 5%.

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I mean, That was back in sep. Plus it’s a skill issue post.

I can probably find a newer post begging for an MG-42 belt fed within 10 seconds just by clicking “latest”

I don’t tend to see Soviets complain about stuff. Not that it never happens, But German mains tend to be the ones who complain the most.


But from what i see, people who complaining is always that guy and that guy again

This is true.

The ones with the biggest skill issues tend to be the complainers and they often complain the most.

There’s a few things I’d agree is BS and should be nerfed, At this point as I said, Remove the whole helmet + armor doing things, Or give everyone armor then boom problem is fixed and no one will have to complain about this pointless ordeal.

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Sovjets get ppsh41 germuts get meme beretta 20mag
Sovjets get t-50 germuts get pz3J that cant effectively kill t-50
Sovjets get t-34 germuts get J1 that again struggles against it.

Germuts get Mkb42 sovjets get federov
Germuts get Stg44 sovjets get AK47 or what ever it was.

If we look at the past campaigns such as moscow it would require quite mental gymnastics to complain about equipment as sovjets.

Sure, they did complain about berlin and IS2 slow reload and occasionally about the planes.
Generally that was solved by not playing berlin and just roflstomping moscow.
Oh and still do about the BR5 IS2 / Planes.

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OK, then the next step is to make the characteristics of weapons, tanks and planes identical. Right?

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There is only one type of player that defends an unfair advantage - those that abuse it.

Give me a break with your skill issue nonsense, you couldn’t be more pathetic.

Is this confirmed? Because if so, there actually is a reason not to use the armor.

Past campaigns are irrelevant now. Your comparisons are outdated. T50 counter is the Panzer 3N with HEAT shells and the T34 counter is the Panzer 4J.


Can’t abuse 10% because it’s so insignificant that it makes no difference whatsoever.

He’s right though, those who are complaining or think they are being affected by this are in fact terrible at this game. So yes, it’s a skill issue.


I believe the subject was sovjets doesnt / didnt complain so id say its quite relevant to subject

Which is by far more fair now, compared to what it used to be.
Again would require quite mental gymnastics to complain about equipment that is on par or slightly better than counter part.

I’ve always found both sides to be on par minus a few minor differences.

Sometimes I wish my IQ wasnt above my shoe size either so I could peacefully play beretta 20mag vs ppsh41 and consider everything is on par.

Again I’ll say it for all the slow people in this thread. All factions have their strengths and weaknesses but not enough to out balance anything. Germans have better aircraft but soviets have one better weapon at BR 3. MP40 is BR 2 and can compete against it fine. If you can’t adapt to different factions strengths/weaknesses, then you may as well uninstall.