Let's talk about italy

To start with, would you please ask for the addition to the Italian tanks, M13 / 40, M14 / 41 and Semovente 75/34, the EPS ammunition, which they had in reality,

The RE: 2000 carried 1, 200 kg bomb,

The berettas and the OVP have the time to kill, quite bad, compared to their versions of other campaigns, I suppose it is balance, since the Italian submachine guns were among the best in ww2, and well the British meh,

The carcanos are in the wrong order, the ww1 carcano is the last one you unlock, which was not bad but it is the worst of the 3, MOD 38 is considered the best bolt action rifle in ww2, and it unlocks at level 2, and the carcano m41, which was the successor to the MOD 38, is the base, the M41 was worse than the MOD38 in some things but better in others, it is considered a step back in terms of the MOD 38 but it is not bad far from it,

fix the damage of the Breda-Safat, it is not realistic they do too little damage, taking into account that they had on the ammunition belt, 2 ball, APIT, API, EXPLOSIVE,
It was not excellent but its damage was not like here it was tickling, it was a weapon that fulfilled its function against other fighters, shooting relatively fast at between 600 - 100 meters

Italian equipment would be fine, grenades, own anti-aircraft, own weapons, the designs of the soldiers who do not wear German ingsinias, and things like that you know, Italian army, not Italian volunteers in the German army


just a side note,

its already present

I meant to add the EPS ammunition to those tanks


oki doki.

my baddie

Thats good idea, though dont expect it to be impleneted soon or even at all, since war thunder dosent have those shells and they copying all tank realeted things from there, though maybe they can make like that using model of russians shrapnel shells, like those that T28 has and just renaming them and change a few things like radius of blast etc.

Theres reason why also other fighters dont have bombs, no fighters in tunsia have any bombs and it can be seen why, unlike other campaings tunsia is preety clear, its much easier to spot infrantry there then any other campaing and theres less cover, so giving more bombs is bad idea there

Cant say here much about OVP, but berretas feel fine for me, and lancherter also dosnet insta kill, but it has good accurcy so with unlike most of smg’s, its bullets most of the time connect with the targets

Then italians should be happy, its probobly balance reasons, since if you compere British SMLE to the Carcano M1891, the SMLE wins almost in every category, MOD 38 preety much fixes that my guess is they added Carcano M1891 since they didnt really knew what else they could.

From my experience with planes, its mostly not the ammo type or calliber but where the pilots aims (most pilots aim where it shows you to shot and thats not the place where you will do really much damage), the distance from which he starts to open fire, angle that he attacks enemy plane (its best to attack planes from side or above), and where the guns of planes are placed, since those that are near engine (middle) are easy to aim with, but those on wing are another story.

With own grenedes, weapeons (if they have reasonable similary counter aviable to them), uniforms and insignias i agree, but with things like for example AT guns or AA no, that would cripple Italians, for example Italians AT would be Cannone da 47/32 M35 its more similar to preformence of 3.7 cm Pak 36, so that would be worse then what you have now which is 5 cm Pak 38, and should Darkflow for example at some point add better AT guns like for germans 7.5 cm Pak 41, for Allies Ordnance QF 17-pounder or 3-inch gun M5 and for Russians ,57 mm anti-tank gun M1943 (ZiS-2) or 76 mm divisional gun M1942 (ZiS-3), there is simply no equivelent of that for Italy simillary with AA, every nations uses german 20mm Flak since there really is nothing even remotly close to it

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I’ve only recently been playing Italy after getting into the 20s for the British but I really enjoy the weapons. The Carcanos seem great. The tanks (cars) can really absorb some rounds! There are some Italian weapons I hope they add but overall they’re pretty solid and balanced against the British. The Axis players however are performing very poorly…

Nothing happens, it’s my fault that I express myself badly

I do not know how to put the text like you, so sorry for how things are going to be ordered, the EPS in the tanks, warthunder has them for the semoventes, it is only to put it in the others and lower the penetration, which in the semoventes is 100mm and in the m13 / 40 and m14 / 41, 80mm,

About the bombs now that you say it you’re right

I notice the berettas worse, looking at the stats in the other campaigns,

The Italians do have things similar to the Germans, believe me, at canone da 75/32
canone da 65/17
canone da 75/27
or the canone gives 90,

Are you sure those are AT Guns not Artillery?
While some guns were used for multiple purpuse probobly best know its 88mm german Flak as AA and AT, but that beacuse it had shells for it

For example Cannone da 75/27 modello 11, looks to me like artillery rather then AT (large calliber, short barrel)


And while Canone da 75/32 look like it could be AT, all sources that i found so far says its artillery so i doubt it had AP shells

Cannone da 90/53 modello 41C on the other hand indeed had AP shells but look at the size of that thing not to mention its AA that means you would need to find place big enough for it to fit and at the same time place where it wouldnt have issue with deppresion of the gun since its AA i doubt the creators fought to give it good depression.

All those cannons were used AT, in fact they are the cannons of the semoventes and the P26 / 40

Those are more artillery guns and the 75/32 saw limited usage in Russia only.

All of those had AP ammunition and were used both AT and artillery, since they began to use larger artillery and those cannons passed to the infantry as AT

You can find that they were widely used both ways.

Show it.

You are mistaken here, same calliber dosent mean same gun
Its like you would say that 88mm Flak is Tiger gun, 88mm Flak inspired making 88 pak but its not the same.

75 mm L/34 gun - gun that was made exclusivly for Semovente da 75/34 wasnt ever a field gun, same with P26/40 and they even have different guns

Semovente da 75/34 has - 75 mm L/34 gun
P26/40 has - Ansaldo 75 mm L/34 gun - i dont know what Ansaldo means here i guess gun was changed since the tank it was on now had turret.

Very simmilar and often mistaken is 75mm Pak 40, some think its a gun with power of a panther tank (long 75mm) in reality it has power of panzer IV, or stug IV (standard 75mm gun)

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ok, Take
1:65/17 Durante la guerra il 65/17 fu largamente impiegato in tutti i fronti, rivelandosi presto superiore al 47/32 nel ruolo anticarro grazie ai potenti proiettili perforanti ed EP (effetto pronto, ovvero a carica cava), distribuiti a partire dal 1942. In particolare, sul fronte nordafricano il 65/17 fu l’arma preferita per la realizzazione sul campo di autocannoni, il cui uso fu imposto sia dai problemi di mobilità e di stabilità sulla sabbia dimostrati dal cannone già negli anni venti sia dalle caratteristiche di estrema mobilità che caratterizzavano la guerra negli ampi spazi desertici

75/18: Il Modello 34 era tuttavia poco adatto al traino meccanico, quindi venne riprogettato l’affusto per poter soddisfare le esigenze dei gruppi per divisioni celeri e motorizzate. Il nuovo affusto aveva ruote a razze metalliche, inizialmente in elektron, lega aeronautica di magnesio e alluminio, e successivamente in lamierino di acciaio. Le ruote erano di grande diametro (1,3 m) con anello semipneumatico e sospensione elastica a barra di torsione. Le code erano state modificate per essere ripiegabili in solo due elementi (invece dei tre del Modello 34), riducendo in tal modo la lunghezza del pezzo in configurazione di marcia. Per il traino meccanico il pezzo era agganciato ad un apposito avantreno, con ruote uguali a quelle del pezzo,[10] il trattore standard era il Fiat-SPA TL37, tuttavia era previsto anche l’uso del trattore OCI cingolato o di un’autocarretta. Il pezzo non era più someggiabile, ma poteva comunque essere scomposto e portato a braccia, ovviamente per percorsi molto brevi.[11] Il 75/18 Mod. 35 fu commissionato in 186 esemplari,[12] le prime consegne avvennero solo nel 1941, dato che parte delle bocche da fuoco fu dirottata per equipaggiare i Semoventi M41 e M42.

75/27: Questo cannone ebbe anche un certo uso come pezzo controcarri, utilizzando anche granate a carica cava, tuttavia il confronto fra il nostro cannone ed i controcarri tedeschi, effettuato nel 1942 nel corso di una missione in Germania per provare l’efficacia del cannone contro i carri T-34 di preda bellica tedesca, fu estremamente deludente per il nostro cannone, che non riusciva a provocare danni sensibili alla corazzatura del carro russo[13].

Nonostante le limitazioni, durante la battaglia dell’ansa di Serafimovich (sul Don, tra il 30 e il 31 luglio 1942) furono schierati i pezzi del II Gruppo da 75/27 del 120º Reggimento d’Artiglieria Motorizzato (accanto a pezzi concepiti come controcarro: gli italiani da 75/32 e tedeschi da 75/97/38, denominazione italiana per il 7,5 cm Pak 97/38, derivato dal 75 mm Mle. 1897 francese): secondo la relazione, l’utilizzo di granate mod.32 senza innesco per il 75/27 ha prodotto risultati solo entro i 100 m e solo contro i cingoli e i fianchi del carro, mentre sulla parte anteriore non avevano effetto nemmeno se sparati a 10m[14].

Dopo l’8 settembre 1943 i pezzi requisiti dai tedeschi vennero denominati 7,5 cm FK 244 (i).

75/32 Il pezzo fu ordinato in 192 complessi nel 1938, ma, constatata la sua utilitĂ  in funzione controcarro, le commesse salirono rapidamente, tanto che nel 1943 risultavano ordinati 542 pezzi.[6] Tuttavia a questa notevole mole di mezzi richiesti non corrispose una produzione adeguata, in quanto i pezzi effettivamente prodotti furono una batteria sperimentale su 5 pezzi nel periodo 1937-39, 30 pezzi fino al 1941, 44 nel 1942 e 98 nel primo semestre del 1943,[7] tuttavia un numero imprecisato di bocche da fuoco fu prodotto per i semoventi e per i carri P26/40.

Il pezzo utilizzava come trattore il Fiat-SPA TL37, fino ad una velocità di 35–40 km/h, altrimenti poteva essere trainato da tre pariglie di cavalli o da trattori cingolati.

Given his maneuverability, that would be too much.
Italian mp and rifles are the best in the world at that time?What?

Lol. Source confirms that the 75/32 was used on ze Ostfront (at least they were confirmed here). Otherwise it just refers to (low and unreliable) production numbers and that it was used on tanks and tankettes. The rest deals with other guns (and according to it the 27 suffered hard due lack of useufull AT shells) and its interesting that they either have low or “weird” production numbers. Its also sad that they dont give much input about their effectiveness (too general) against the Britishs and Americans but some refers regarding the Eastern Front. I doubt they will be effective against Churchills if some of them alreadys suffered against early T-34s.

Not really persuasive.

No, the canone gives 75/18 and canone gives 75/32, they were put in the semoventes, and the 75/32, also in the p26 / 40, then a need arose for more 75/32 cannons, in case they were I ask Ansaldo to make them too and that’s how both the 75/32, MOD 39 AND THE 75L / 34 were born, which in reality was the same cannon with small changes,
It was thought to put the 75/32 mod 37 to p26 / 40, which carried some units of the 100 produced, others the mod 39 and others the 75 L / 34

Well first of all i would prefer if you would copy paste in english rather then italian :stuck_out_tongue:
Secend from what i read here and if transletor dosent lie, then still most of guns didnt had AP, they had HEAT.

HEAT rounds are totaly different, they do in this game less damage (no shrapnel or explosion post pen) and they travel way slowly and can stop on almost anything since they have extremly sensentive fuse

HEAT means - High Explosvie Anti Tank - most artillery could use shells like that but preformcne of them is questionble at best, HEAT were mostly used if it was long range engagment and pentertion of AP shells would drop to a point that its better to use HEAT instead of AP though latter in WW2 most AP shells still had better effect even at 2km then HEAT

The guns that you pointed are still artillery not anti-tank guns, and guns that are anti-tank were mostly if not only used INSIDE of tanks.

The guns that you using on the field are vastly diffrent then those inside of tanks beacuse turret limits them, the example of that what happens when gun dosent fit turret are, Sherman Firefly (they had to change front of a turret to its back) and IS-2 that with his oversized 122mm gun had to put gun up just to reload.

And to make point Clear as a day there was no 122mm Anti-tank gun as a field gun, but there was 122mm artillery gun and 122mm Tank gun.