Lets add japanese big bois for tier tier 5

ki 21 la
crew : 5
load: 4 x 250 kg or 2x 500 kg

ki 94 i
crew. 8
loads: 4x250 kg or 2x 500 kg

d4y3 : 1x 500 kg or 1x500 + 2x60 kg
this one is dive bomber

p1y1 model 11 : load. 2x250 kg bombs

ki 67 i :
load.1x500 kg

ki-109 :this thing is very wierd but i want to see it in the game
its has no bombs but has 75 mm cannon as main armament

j1n1: load : 60x2 kg bombs
crew : 3
this one is a heavy fighter


edit: some will say " but some of them are heavy bombers" . same stroy for japan. their “heavy” classification is same as medium western vehicles


Good idea :+1:t2:


No need to add only 4 engine airplanes to this game, the others are more than necessary!

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None of the planes has 4 engines on the list

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What I mean by that is that the limit should be 4 engines. On the contrary, I support your topic

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I dont support 4 engines. 4 engine planes are mostly high altitude heavy bombers and there is no way to balance them. Just 1 bombload of a single b29 is enought to whipe out all map :rofl:

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I want a Japanese Bf-109

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Why? This thing will be GARBAGE in the game its a waste of space.

I honestly dont get the obsession with this plane and the Ki-67. MFs keep suggesting them like they would help or something, they wouldnt they are medium bombers with shitty speed and mediocre bombload and AWFUL maneuverability. They would be nothing but target practice for Allied fighter. Dont compare them to the Ju88 the Ju88 is equal to the Ki48 NOT Ki21