Let us CHOOSE if we want to activate our xp boosters, don't make it be ALWAYS activated, xp booster stays the same, the xp booster will be located here where you will be able to activate them, once activated, you can't deactive the x booster

Because it goes against everything the game should be. It puts a certain pressure on the player that causes them to act differently than they might have if there was no such thing.

Login bonuses should be banned just like in China. Samé goes for any kind of loot bodem boxes etc.

I am not old, but I remember times when games didn’t need any kind of daily logins and other toxic marketing practices, lol


You can’t compare a login bonus to a paid loot box. They aren’t the same. There’s absolutely no pressure to log in and get an exp boost, you get them every second day. I don’t think anyone feels pressured at all.

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Have to agree, it is playing on the FOMO. You are rewarded for consecutive log ins and the more you log in the better boxes you unlock giving you higher chances at higher rewards, gambling (you pay with your time and dedication) I have had friends that would panic and stress about “fk I am going on holiday, please log in for me”. If you are F2P it is even worse as you want any advantage you can get.

I agree with @Adamnpee , they should all be removed and instead be given randomly every few games or purchasable with silver if people really want them that bad.


There is no fomo, the rewards are all the same and are on a 2 week cycle. The only thing you get for logging in are pointless name decorations.

Such a dumb argument.

Ignoring your emotional reaction, do answer me these 2 questions.

  1. Do you get better rewards and better chances at receiving higher amounts or better rewards the more you login and as such achieving a higher consecutive login number? For example, do you get a better chest at 14 consecutive, 30, 60, 100 days? And do you get a certain item that maybe is only available in that type of chest like maybe a golden order?

  2. Do you lose said progress/consecutive login progress if you miss 1 or 2 login days? Are you reset to day 1?

You fail to acknowledge that certain people are more susceptible to these things, for you is a meh reward for others a serious gain/loss.

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Say this to 2 years login streak decorator.


“Adamnpee and MrBain are correct, the login bonus is toxic. The way DF has set it up suggests they are aiming to waste their players’ time and keep them in the game for as long as possible.”


dam parrot is back. I actually miss you man what have you been doing? and have you seen the italian grenade launcher topic?

I was always here and I was just being silent.

and yes I have



I thought you got banned for a week or two.

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Unless you actually see me clashing with the moderators it’s not likely to happen


Yes I have it, so what? I never had the intention of getting it nor would I have been upset if I lost my streak.

No, you don’t get better chances at getting better rewards the longer you log in. It’s the same reward rotated every 2 weeks with the same odds. I can confirm this as I had a 2 year login streak.

It’s literally not even a big deal if you lose your streak, you get the same rewards every 14 days. If people are worried about pointless name decorations, then that’s their problem. It’s not like they are locking content behind these boxes.

How are they aiming to waste player’s time? when it takes 5 seconds to log in and claim your daily reward.

None of you can actually give me a reason why it’s apparently toxic besides apparently FOMO which I’ve already dismissed. How is giving players more silver and free exp boosts toxic? People (including you) complain about the grind and the economy, yet you sit here and criticise a way that helps you gain silver and boost exp.

How about you stop being a sheep and come up with a logical argument.

Because with the current matchmaking we have right now it’s a hit or miss whether we actually get anything and if you get a super strong booster you have the option to either ignore it or play Russian roulette which is public matchmaking

Dumb argument yet again. That’s how matchmaking works. Who cares if you get conquest for one of your booster games, just wait 2 days until your next booster. Every game that has boosters can’t guarantee you’ll get the best results out of your game.

That is true but they should still give us the option to use it whether we want to or not Because with how it is right now sometimes they just go to waste and sometimes it’s just better to ignore it instead of using it

accelerator is good
Although she will amplify your feelings of failure
But it can also save you a lot of time wasting in several games.

The biggest problem lies in the distribution mechanism and model

in addition
Chinese games still have login rewards
It’s usually better than the boxes that come with this game.

I have to agree with the toxicity here The whole daily login system is bad, and it’s a copycat of every other game that copycats every other game that has a daily login system. They make systems like this simply to get people to play every day, More people playing more people spending money. As for the boosters, I do feel player choice needs to be considered especially when or where they choose to use a booster. But in my opinion base XP earned should be increased across the board. That would include removal of the entire premium system, and removal of boosters as a whole.

The way enlisted was set up was very gacha-like, I don’t think anything in this game should be randomly generated or rolled being left to luck and chance. But as for my rant I’ll leave that for another day, because there’s a lot of issues with a daily login and XP systems as a whole.